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  1. 110100100

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    Nice job DW grats on a nice little first grow. Grats on smoking something you grew from seed! What do you think your dry harvest weight was? Good luck with the new cabinet, I look forward to a new grow log. :joint:
  2. 110100100

    Price of Bud if Legal

    Yeah and even though its ok to smoke the dutch still bust people for growing. I know at one point I was hearing of a lot of what was being sold in the dam was imported. I remember threads on Swiss weed being grown just for the amsterdam market on OG. The author made it sound like the swiss...
  3. 110100100

    Percentage Of Pot Smokers In The USA

    Nice post MedMan. I've referred to myself as a functional pothead for longer than I can remember and I've had the realization you share in your post. I'm past that now and would be a legit med user so I'm proud to say I have no problem being a member of the "1% green" club. I haven't checked...
  4. 110100100

    Pot not Beer!

    Thank I meant to say pot not beer! LOL...damn...too stoned to get the joke right... The title is a link to the story I didn't blur nuttin.
  5. 110100100

    Pot not Beer!

    German beer lover goes down the drain Tuesday, July 14, 2009 A German beer drinker ended up in an awkward situation after he failed to spot an open drain and fell inside - and then had to be freed by firemen because his oversized beer belly left him wedged inside. Feeling drained...
  6. 110100100

    Pot Lab???

    Oh thank gawd the woman and her son were moved to safety! :| I think those plants were gang members, they all wore green with these red was awful. :bigjoint:
  7. 110100100

    Marijuana to treat Alcoholism

    Legalize! I can (and do, have for years) grow my own tomatoes and other veggies. Yet I still buy tomatoes and tomato products all year long. All my neighbors can do the same thing legally yet only a couple do grow veggies. Sure a lot of people will grow their own but just like tomatoes many...
  8. 110100100

    Haight Solid State LED Grow Lights

    You're looking at 4 plants not 10 so no it's not 5 oz but it does look like its about 14g per plant dried. He's using the $475 version of the lamps not the more expensive one and its obviously not the best someone can do with these that's my whole point. Some sort of aero/DWC setup with better...
  9. 110100100

    First Posting: My Grow (T5, Outdoor Veg, 600 Watt HPS Indoor Flower)

    Sweet setup dude +Rep How about an update
  10. 110100100

    Haight Solid State LED Grow Lights

    I understand what you're saying but have you checked the two grow threads using only these lamps?
  11. 110100100

    Haight Solid State LED Grow Lights

    Haight Solid State LED Grow Lights Cabinet, Closet, & Grow Room Setup small stealth cabinet setup using these lights. Haight Solid State LED Grow Journal Impressive. Expensive initial investment but he claims to avg 5 oz every 8 weeks at a cost of $30 for electric and he has a very...
  12. 110100100

    Price of Bud if Legal

    You don't need to tax a $100 Billion dollar a year industry hard to generate a shitload of revenue. It would be in line with alcohol or other like products. If taxed just like alcohol it's been estimated it could generate $30B USD a year in taxes. Billion. I personally don't have a problem with...
  13. 110100100

    Marijuana to treat Alcoholism

    Ok so all we ask for is the right to self-medicate. Nobody knows our body and how substances effect us better than you know yourself. Why is there a problem with a substance that does no harm if it's ok to do the same thing with man made drugs? Whats the difference if I pop a paxil and some...
  14. 110100100

    why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

    I started smoking because I'd enjoyed the contact buzz I got hanging with friends who's older brothers grew bud. I had already drank plenty of alcohol some other drugs by then but I didn't like what most of those did to me. Either I felt like I was coming out of my body jittery or I didn't like...
  15. 110100100

    why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

    I have to say, my comment was half tongue in cheek and I surely did not expect anything like you're reply but WOW...great post! I just hate passing up a chance to quote that line because it cracked me up so much. :bigjoint: I do not agree with your assessment that pot is on the level of crack...
  16. 110100100

    why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

    Dude you keep saying "getting hooked"... In the immortal words of Bob Saget "Ever suck dick for marijuana?"
  17. 110100100

    Marijuana to treat Alcoholism

    You missed my point when I said methadone. Someone said people say you're just replacing one addiction with another...which just happens to be a very accepted medical practice as far as addictions go and methadone proves that... Anyway, your original post sounded like you were just looking for...
  18. 110100100

    Marijuana to treat Alcoholism

    I've got one word for those people...methadone. To the OP I'd try to find another way around the problem. If your condition does not qualify according to laws in your country I'd try to find something else that does. I know you're not trying to scam here but personally I'd do whatever it took...
  19. 110100100

    Now that you have a MMJ recommendation?

    I can remember the convo with my mother when I told her I get high. I explained that I'd been doing it for years and pointed out some memorable moments from our past where I was stoned and she would be sure to remember the times I was talking about to show her it's not the demon weed they say it...
  20. 110100100

    what kind of weed was around in the 80's?

    You just smoked way too much man. The beauty of today's weed being so potent is you do not need to smoke nearly as much to get where you're trying to go. Specially if you're a lightweight which (no offense but) with 10 years off from toking you are. One or two hits from a bowl or joint would...