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  1. 110100100

    Michael Phelps Bong Pics

    That explains the chick with the pink hair bumming everyone out in the melkweg when she walked around yelling "THERE ARE NO MORE PINK SPACE CAKES!" (there really were two women, one with pink hair the other with blue, walking around the melkweg that night passing out pink and blue space cakes...
  2. 110100100

    Obamacrats still retarded

    Are you kidding? Do you really think I give a fuck about the fairness to banks? They were a large help getting us into this mess they should bear some of the brunt of fixing it. You're talking about companies that handed out bonuses EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE LOSING MONEY. Yeah the banks wouldn't...
  3. 110100100

    DEA: Marijuana Grow Houses

    TYVM! I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic or not but if you watched the video you didn't see them cut down trees at least not in the large grow op at the end of the episode. They were just pulling them up and barely shaking the dirt out of the roots still leaving some there. They weigh it all.
  4. 110100100

    spoting an undercover

    I can tell you for a fact that they do not have to tell you they are a cop if you ask them. That's a flat out lie. Cops are allowed to lie to you and they will anytime they think it's in their best interest to do so. That's one of the reasons you never want to talk to a cop without a...
  5. 110100100

    Obama the real deal? props to Obama, im very impressed

    You do know those were all old tax stamps right? Many of those laws were repealed for one reason or another and they were all based off the original federal tax stamp act which was deemed unconstitutional.
  6. 110100100

    DEA continues pot raids Obama opposes

    Miss I'm not saying it was something he shouldn't have done nor am I saying it could have waited. What I am saying is that you're making an excuse for Obama not doing the EXACT SAME THING he did to end that ban on funding, signing an executive order, to end these raids by saying it would have...
  7. 110100100

    DEA continues pot raids Obama opposes

    Yeah like the abortion funds reversal does not have a lot of people up in arms access (or one of those org's) has already drafted the memo for him all they have to do is print it out on Presidential letterhead and have him sign it. No I'm done accepting excuses on this one.
  8. 110100100

    DEA: Marijuana Grow Houses

    I was thinking the same thing when I first heard about the show that we should complain and try to get it off the air but then the real stoner in me kicked in. First any time the cops are willing to educate me on how NOT to get caught I'm all ears. Granted we pretty much know what the deal is...
  9. 110100100

    Ever Been Busted Growing?

    LOL. The phrase is "fruit of the poisonous tree". Unbarren is not even a word. If that's not profiling I don't know what is. It would be no different then doing the same thing at gun stores or places that sell large amounts of fertilizer for farms and those items can actually be used to KILL...
  10. 110100100

    Democrat leadership should start preparing for the biggest backlash in U.S. history.

    Nah no problem, when I reread what I said it was easy to see how it could be misunderstood.
  11. 110100100

    Michael Phelps Bong Pics

    Jax why was you ducking...I told you I'd make you famous!
  12. 110100100

    Michael Phelps Bong Pics

    While I was in Amsterdam I met one of the 8 original federal marijuana patients. Can not for the life of me remember her name and she must have been one of the "anonymous" ones cause I tried looking her name up a while ago and she's not one of the ones listed. She was a senior citizen (for some...
  13. 110100100

    Michael Phelps Bong Pics

    I'll take an endorsement deal for Double Stuff Chocolate Oreos!!! They can pay me in product. :mrgreen:
  14. 110100100

    Some tips to help keep you safe

    HAHAHA, I should add that donut idea. In the imortal words of Bob and Doug McKenzie: "Cops don't give us tickets...YEAH...We'll give you donuts eh? Oh...Beauty eh?"
  15. 110100100

    IR cameras and detection-knowledgable ppl

    No you could be right, I'm no lawyer and I've been wrong on what I thought made sense to me as far as the law goes before. If I know something for a fact I'll say so and this was not one of them. :)
  16. 110100100

    Busted In FL - What Happens?

    I know what he's asking but the only people that can answer the question with any accuracy are the prosecutor and the judge involved in the case. Even his lawyer can not tell him with 100% certainty what will happen. He can offer an educated guess but I can tell you from experience that if you...
  17. 110100100

    Marijuana Legalization Tops List of Questions for Obama in Online Poll

    Yeah the problem with that is he's the President for christ sake. He had no problem issuing a directive to stop trials of terrorists at guantanamo but he can't take the 20 seconds it would take him to sign a directive to stop these riads. There have been seven now since he took office. I was...
  18. 110100100

    stop trying to decriminilize ,arijuana everybody..stop

    The first was intended as a bit of a spank I must admit but I did try to be polite, I said please. :) The second I see nothing wrong with and was not intending to put the poster down at all. I was only stating the obvious. Sorry if anyone found it offensive it was not my intention.
  19. 110100100

    Michael Phelps Bong Pics

    Yes that's really me. I wouldn't do that to some poor unsuspecting person, it's just not cool. Check my profile, I added a pic of me in the Kali Mist hat I bought while I was there. Sorry it's so small but I had to crop out some other innocent stoners.
  20. 110100100

    what is a good site to get shrooms and supplies?

    I don't know if he's still around but I've used Ralph in the past and he's always be reliable. If he's still around he's probably still a sponsor over at the shroomery. I'd imagine that's the best place for info too considering this is a bud forum. (no offense to anyone here but there are...