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  1. JealousGreen

    I am JealousGreen

    Both sector9's are the fish shaped style with the flexi decks. One is shorter, about up to my belt, and has the composite graphite deck. I ride it more because of speed and manuverabilty. At 31 I'm always the oldest, fattest man in the skatepark. And the only one who's ever on a longboard...
  2. JealousGreen

    I am JealousGreen

    Post #19.....
  3. JealousGreen

    I am JealousGreen

    I've gone about 45 next to a car on my envy. It's long and wide with a stiff deck, wide trucks and big wheels. I've never had speed wobbles with it. All my boards have bones swiss bearings.
  4. JealousGreen

    DMT:First Time?

    Look back a few pages.. post number 46
  5. JealousGreen

    DMT:First Time?

    I saw a mini machine made from a Christmas light.. I may make one of those.. ;)
  6. JealousGreen

    Short Ryder Feminized under 250 Watt HPS in Small Grow Tent

    Still deciding whether or not to lst that one?
  7. JealousGreen

    DMT:First Time?

    I saw the vapor Genie at the local head shop yesterday.. everyone over at the Dmt-nexus seems to swear by either the machine or the glass vapor Genie. I'll probably get one at some point. For now I'm in good shape with the machine.
  8. JealousGreen

    DMT:First Time?

    does letting the flame touch the steel wool burn the spice, thereby redering it less effective? should I focus on holding the flame farther away and being more patient? Everyone thinks I'm wasting it because the trip isn't more intense for me... maybe some people are just able to handle...
  9. JealousGreen

    How Do You Want To Go Out?

    I just wonder what that rushing air would make my scrotum do. You've seen peoples faces all wind blown and distorted... where would my balls end up? naked flying on e does sound bad ass though.. fuck dying.
  10. JealousGreen

    DMT:First Time?

    Gave another 240 mg to a friend in pre weighed 60mg pouches. I sat with him while he hit about 40mg. He loved it. His wife will try it tonight. Doing my 4th pull tonight. I have about 1.6 grams of dry crystal from the first three pulls still.
  11. JealousGreen

    DMT, Setting Forth to Hyperspace

    Good luck brother.
  12. JealousGreen

    420 + What?

    Indeed. Cannabidiol (CBD) has been proven to have anti-cancerous/tumor fighting capabilities. Thereby mitigating any problems that may have arisen due to inhaling carcinogens via burning plant material. Nature knew we were gonna need to smoke this shit until technology made smoking obsolete...
  13. JealousGreen

    I am JealousGreen

    iI want a dervish sooooo much. At $300+ its hard to convince the wife. :)
  14. JealousGreen

    I am JealousGreen

    I am also a downhill bomber... a have 2 sector 9's and an envy longboard. and some wicked scars... ;)
  15. JealousGreen

    I am JealousGreen

    I posted the acid story on another thread a couple months ago.. Something about 1st time tripping.. you were there.. :)
  16. JealousGreen

    How Do You Want To Go Out?

    My good friend did skydive on shrooms. He said it was amazing. He is in the airforce, and had jumped out of planes dozens of times previously, but I still thought he was insane. I don't think it would be a very pleasant take off if I was already tripping before we were in the sky...
  17. JealousGreen

    I am JealousGreen

    I felt the urge to introduce myself, pleased to meet you. For as long as I can remember I have been able to feel the ability to channel energy through my chakras. The most keen was my 6th chakra, also known as the third eye. Without any formal training, or even basic understanding of these...
  18. JealousGreen

    420 + What?

    Got the machine loaded with 75mg.. that video made my brain water. ;) Blast off in 3, 2, 1....
  19. JealousGreen

    420 + What?

    Thinking about rolling up a joint with some Dmt inside.. anyone done this?
  20. JealousGreen

    DMT:First Time?

    Anyone ever roll some spice up in a joint? I was thinking of putting 80 or so mg's in a doob and taking it out into the desert. With the understanding that I may be re-lighting it a few times.