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  1. WeedWhisperer

    Call Me TheGreatExperimenter instead?

    Remember those strawberry hazes are going to need to ripen to their fullest if you want the flavor. Im still a little confused are you putting h snow and your arjan hazes into early 12/12?
  2. WeedWhisperer

    Discarding male plants and incriminating evidence

    safest is just to cut it and rip it into as many pieces as possible before you trash it... just fuck up the leaves so even if somone did look you couldnt recongnize the fan leaves.
  3. WeedWhisperer

    Experienced lowryder 2 grow journal

    yeah man not near as many plants as you... they narrowed it down to about 2-3 under a 1000 hps.
  4. WeedWhisperer

    t5 high output fluoro growers post here

    damn... im almost wishing I had my blue bulbs now, looks awesome simpson. What kind of fluoro's are they? t8? t12? I hear there is more thc, trich production because metal halides and blue tubes are closer to the UV spectrum... seems like your grow is good evidence of this. What if somone...
  5. WeedWhisperer

    Experienced growers needed!

    I really wouldnt think so man...sounds like you water just fine how strange temps perfect and everything. Its just strange running all the way up the plant like that... shes really unhappy about something lemme go look at my charts. When the leaves started to yellow did it start from the...
  6. WeedWhisperer

    Why do my flowering plants wilt and die?

    Nah man no way its because they were too small. 12 inches is plenty, If it was heat id think theyd die right away but it still sounds like it. Always run fans you wouldn't believe how much they do help even when its real hot. are you doing 1/3 the recomended strength on the nutes? Whats your...
  7. WeedWhisperer

    Experienced growers needed!

    Well Id start with trying half the nutes your currently on. Is your soil dried out by the next day when you go to water? It looks like a water/nute problem either your feeding too much or too little and you say every other day so id go with that... depends on the size of your pot how big...
  8. WeedWhisperer

    t5 high output fluoro growers post here

    Im not on 12/12 by choice, I was on 18/6 until about a week ago when I had to start my white widow and blue cheese, they are not autos and will get too big if i let them veg any longer.
  9. WeedWhisperer

    t5 high output fluoro growers post here

    sweet, loved the pink especially
  10. WeedWhisperer

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    Auto AK-47 grown on t5 red spectrum bulbs seedling to 24 days of flowerin
  11. WeedWhisperer

    alternate lighing...? ever heard this one?

    You know I never heard anyone talk about it but I was wondered how light schedules like that could effect growth. Does anyone have a good article on this or a post were somone has done it?
  12. WeedWhisperer

    t5 high output fluoro growers post here

    Nice pics.. what strains are those, and did you use bloom nutes?
  13. WeedWhisperer

    t5 high output fluoro growers post here

    interesting I figured HPS would hands down out-perform any fluoro, but they say twice the trichs? I can't wait to see the end results of this grow. I know I wont out perform bud in mass but if the quality can be twice as great imagine how potent the bud would be if you had 3 t5's 1 top the...
  14. WeedWhisperer

    Experienced lowryder 2 grow journal

    I really see no difference in the way you grow auto's compared to regular plants. Only difference is its life span is much quicker and no need for 12/12. You just dont really do veg ferts as much because you cant fert premature plants and by the time they are mature they are already...
  15. WeedWhisperer

    t5 high output fluoro growers post here

    I am currently doing my first t5 grow with red spectrum bulbs. If anyone has flowering or harvest pic's with t5's especially High output t5's please post up. I am at 24 days of flowering for my Auto Ak-47 and just a few days into 12/12 with my blue cheese and white widow. Ill just show...
  16. WeedWhisperer

    Blue Cheese White Widow and Auto Ak-47

    Here are some more pics, sorry you cant see the blue cheese I was too lazy to pull it out tonight. Got my first pistils on my White Widow yesterday. Nothing from the Blue Cheese yet. Ak-47 White Widow
  17. WeedWhisperer

    Small cabinet grow...

  18. WeedWhisperer

    What light spectrum for autoflower ak47

    I used a t5 flouroscent with red spectrum all the way through growth. It is over a foot tall very bushy and is budding great. It is more important to have the proper spectrum for flowering than veg in my mind. I veg just fine with warm light half blue and half red is best during veg and...
  19. WeedWhisperer

    Lemon Skunk, White Widow & Great White Greenhouse first grow

    oh and what are the temps like in your grow room? They look like they are nice and cool... very happy looking plants
  20. WeedWhisperer

    Lemon Skunk, White Widow & Great White Greenhouse first grow

    Hey man they x'ed out your reply on that clone. Show me whats up