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  1. C

    Modern Warfare 3 Reveal Trailer

    i know i cant wait!!!!!
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    Modern Warfare 3 Reveal Trailer
  3. C

    Judgement Day Is Coming

    woww... coincidence? lol
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    Judgement Day Is Coming

    I guess this means nothing is gnna happen lol seeing how 21st is half over
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    Alien Planet Discovered

    so what do you think eveeryone? you think theres really another life form living on this planet?
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    Alien Planet Discovered

    yea i deffly did thats why ive been trying to make some changes. lol
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    Alien Planet Discovered

    lol no every 1 had negative things to say about walgreens.. :/
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    Alien Planet Discovered

    lmao wow... -_-
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    Alien Planet Discovered

    lmao.. thanks. looking more professional :)
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    Alien Planet Discovered

    Lmao dick carbon.. -_-
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    Alien Planet Discovered

    Yea but Scientist JUST discovered that it does have oceans / clouds / rain fall.. etc
  12. C

    Alien Planet Discovered This is REAL.... wow..
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    Judgement Day Is Coming

    Lol so much different views -_-
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    Judgement Day Is Coming

    Nice Asshole... -_-
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    Judgement Day Is Coming

    yes please explain bobby this is interesing
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    Judgement Day Is Coming

    lmao you had me laughin when i read this one.. you should deffly stash sum..haha
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    Judgement Day Is Coming

    Great Post man great..
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    Judgement Day Is Coming

    true you do make a valid point
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    Judgement Day Is Coming

    we will see i guess.. that is a very good question. i mean.. Like Gadaffiduck says.. look back with Noahs Ark.. it can deffly happen again
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    Judgement Day Is Coming

    it isnt all going to happen right on that day it happens in the 5 months up until october 21 there will be many events occuring that will kill everyone " according to the bible"