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  1. convict156326

    papery, dry leaves

    hey im on day 3 of flower, 400 hps. all my leaves on just one plant have a dry papery texture. the new growth is kinda odd too, very thin leaves, smallish, they feel like a lizards tail. didnt feel like that 6 hours ago. i waterd yesterday, 2ml grow, 3 ml bloom/1 gal h20. humbolt nutrients...
  2. convict156326

    grown for a veteran, first grow, tent 400 watt,

    in real quick. things look great! am drooling. have the temps at 75 so thats awesome. retied the labella again, she's so big. where i bent her down i noticed there was a crack along the seam or bend rather. it healed itself but "dimpled" itself, gonna add some pics tonight, day 3 flowering. so...
  3. convict156326

    my first 400 watt grow

    nice, im subd, on my first 400 wat grow as well, eager to watch yours grow,
  4. convict156326

    grown for a veteran, first grow, tent 400 watt,

    yep yep what hemlock said
  5. convict156326

    grown for a veteran, first grow, tent 400 watt,

    unfortuanately only the labella are fem seeds. the rest are a toss up, thats why i have so many under just a 400, i figure with 10, 2 being fem, i should get 5-6 females.
  6. convict156326

    first grow white widow 400w

    yes, yes i do. im just lazy and havent put it in my sig, heres the link though, but no laughing
  7. convict156326

    My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed

    man id love to help but have no clue about hydro, your setup is hella dope though, in my opinion. im subd, i think some of my friends do hydro, ill send em this way see if they can help
  8. convict156326

    grown for a veteran, first grow, tent 400 watt,

    when should i expect to see signs of sex? its only day 2 so im pretty sure i wont yet, im thinkin like a week or 2 right?
  9. convict156326

    Still Growing.400watt/Multi-Strain

    i read somewhere, a norml site i think that said the water in the bongs not only filter out tars, but also like 8 % of the thc in the smoke? since then i started using my bong as a steamroller. i put ice in it also, but stopped using water.
  10. convict156326

    grown for a veteran, first grow, tent 400 watt,

    waterd today, 2mlgrow,2ml bloom, 3 gallons per 10 plants. jackie-o twogg got their first taste of nutes today hope they like em. havent found any blackstrap yet, but i am a little isolated, with no vehicle. mixed nutes up for next watering, 2grow, 3 bloom. my partner is kinda worrying me. he's...
  11. convict156326

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    nom nom nom, looks so good taurus.
  12. convict156326

    My 1st grow, indoor 400w

    dizam, im just using 3 ml grow, 1ml bloom. although i did just switch to 12/12 so ill prolly be usin that much in a few weeks as well
  13. convict156326

    first grow white widow 400w

    nice, very nice. i switched to 12/12 today, hope mine look that good in 12 days.
  14. convict156326

    My 1st grow, indoor 400w

    lol, i switched over to 12/12 today as well. wanna race
  15. convict156326

    my first grow

    stay away from texas. harshest pot laws in country, lol
  16. convict156326

    my first grow

    ha, thatl be kinda cool to see.
  17. convict156326

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    you must have a super light. i tried using led lights before the mh. plants were hella tall, stretchy. my 3 cfl's did better. i gave the led back. it was useless. thanks for showin us all your ignorance, now i know NOT to pay attention to any of your threads, if youll lie about this what else...
  18. convict156326

    grown for a veteran, first grow, tent 400 watt,

    scratch that. going to switch em tomorrow, when the light comes on. dont want to wait around for the bulb to cool before i remove it. switching to 12/12 HPS tomorrow @ 10 am.
  19. convict156326

    grown for a veteran, first grow, tent 400 watt,

    im not using molases yet. never heard of it untill got on here, would like to, trying to find some. blackstrap. whats it used for? cooking? is it like regular molasas? (syrupy) im switching out my bulb now.....
  20. convict156326

    First Grow 400 Watt Mh/Hps Tent

    subbd, im growin with a 400, 3 strains. eager to see whta yours looks like. biggest difference in ours is that i dont have proper ventilation. wonder what the diff will be.