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  1. LetricBud

    airport scanners and bags

    Ive never brought weed on a plane, but i did manage to smuggle a few cigars in my bag. I thought for sure they would think it was something suspicious and search my bag, but they didnt. I walked right through. They put it through the scanner...I had the cigars buried in some clothes, and they...
  2. LetricBud

    greenbuds not greenbacks growers have to keep our shit on the Down-low. No one should know about it.
  3. LetricBud

    where would you sell...???

    You can do it on craigslist...Ive seen a ton of bongs, bubblers, pipes, and vaporizers on there. But all of the ads specify that they are strictly for tobacco use only. Don't include any weed terms...and make sure they are 110% clean...i mean sparkling clean on every millimeter. They need to be...
  4. LetricBud

    5x5x7 Tent wit how many plants

    Hmm a 5x5....If you wanted to really squeeze em into a SoG or SCroG setup, you could do 1 plant per square foot. But if i were in that situation i'd go with 9 total. 3 rows of 3....or maybe 16 total, 4 rows of 4.
  5. LetricBud

    Golden Goat wtf?

    Ocean Floor? You mean Ocean Forest? (aka FFOF) I dunno man, it could be a variety of things...grow them out for a few weeks and they'll be fine.
  6. LetricBud

    Whos playin mcd's monopoly?

    McDonalds is disgusting. Nuff said.
  7. LetricBud

    Ahh WTF! Cops seized computer!

    Yea that sucks ass...I dont know why they'd take the computer if it was just a drug search. Something tells me they were there for more reasons than you think. Anyways, you're prolly fucked. If you have any illegal content on your hard drive (even if you delete it, they can recover it). Next...
  8. LetricBud

    need help asap please

    This could be a "Nutrient Splash"...Which is where the grower is pouring his/her nutrient solution into the soil, and splashes some onto the leaves...But if its widespread then it could be anything.
  9. LetricBud

    How big is your grow?

    Yea i dont think alot of people are gonna be telling you how much, and all that... As for staying under the radar, id say Under 25 sq. ft, or under 25 plants and under 1000watts.
  10. LetricBud

    Prices, Prices, Prices

    Marijuana isnt expensive just because its illegal...Its a commodity just like anything else, and its' price is dependent upon what's put into the final product. You have to take into affect equipment costs, supplies, seed/clone costs, and the number of man hours put into growing it. I think...
  11. LetricBud

    symptoms of hot soil and root bound?

    Yeah when they become root bound it means that the roots are getting too close to each other, and are running out of room in the soil. When that happens, the growth will slow down...and in extremely sever cases the roots will rot.
  12. LetricBud

    Fox Farms product mixtures

    Ive used the FF line with great success. Their feeding schedule shows that you use both grow big and big bloom together for veg. When i use them in veg i start off with 1/4 strength, then increase it gradually every week. The one time i used full strength was in about wk 4/5 of veg, and my...
  13. LetricBud

    What's in your bong ? and how old's your bong water?

    I fill my bong up copletely with ice, all the way to the top. It takes like 3-4 trays of ice to fill it, but its soo frosty and smooth. I'll use it a little while, and then put the whole bong with ice into the freezer until i want to use it again. With that method, i can usually get a few days...
  14. LetricBud

    symptoms of hot soil and root bound?

    I experienced a little heat stress...Be on the lookout for brownish stems near the soil. Also, if the top of your plants' stem is thick, and the base is thinner, it could mean your roots are under developed.
  15. LetricBud

    dosnt it bother you ?

    "I dont always drink beer.......But when i do, i drink DOS EQUIS!"
  16. LetricBud

    Does it matter how long you hold it in?

    ROFL Yea im usually actively posting around 5pm-1am....KOTH is on at 7pm and 11pm for me.
  17. LetricBud


    FRIGG OFF RICK! (Trailer Park Boys Reference)
  18. LetricBud

    Does it matter how long you hold it in?

    For me, its better to hold it in for about 3-7 seconds. If i just inhale and then exhale immediatly, i dont get as stoned... But if i hold it in for a few seconds, sucking in more air, i get a bigger head rush.
  19. LetricBud

    Need Help. 8 days into seedling

    Yea you can throw them into 12/12 to see if they have female flowers...But i think its better just to let them grow out, and when they start having alternating nodes (staggered branches) they'll usually start growing pre-flowers. I had a seedling that was 4 weeks old, just under 18/6, and it...
  20. LetricBud

    IC magazine.......

    What video? Usually ppl post links or paste the video directly in here.