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  1. OZUT

    Cold weather and resin production/flowering times

    Actually, if you chop it, the darkness won't do anything for it....Just cover it the last 2-3 days before chopping it...Either put a box on it, or put is in a closet, just don't chop it because it won't do anything...the plant has to be alive so it realizes it's at the end of it's life cycle
  2. OZUT

    Hermie Question

    Interestingly it's not that much....most of the balls are on the lower branches so I just cut off the full branch....I'll tweeze the upper ones just because it's not a lot...I even figured out what happened....A week ago I put a new portable 14,000 btu A/C in the room....what I completely didn't...
  3. OZUT

    Hermie Question

    Not sure what happened to mine but I just can't bring myself to cut it....It's sitting less than 2 inches under a 600....So I was wondering what will happen if I cut it's balls off everyday, but at the same time I don't want it to mess up the other 23
  4. OZUT

    BooMer's 5000w Medical Hydro Cannabis Laboratory w/ C02 Generator & ScrOG

    Gotta come back to this one....Always enjoy reading your journals
  5. OZUT

    Hermie Question

    So of all my plants, I just noticed my best one has turned hermie....Normally I would chop it but this one's 4 weeks into flower and looks amazing...will probably give 3-4 oz...So here's my question.....what would happen if I just cut the balls off and kept cutting them off until harvest? or...
  6. OZUT

    Air conditioning

    Jump on Craigslist....can't find a better deal....You can probably get a 5 or 600 dollar one for like a 100
  7. OZUT

    General Yield Question (about # of grams per watt) - Not the typical yield question

    Exactly, I think it comes down to how many you can comfortably put in the area but that 1gram per watt goal everyone always mentions always had me wondering
  8. OZUT

    General Yield Question (about # of grams per watt) - Not the typical yield question

    That's what I was thinking but then what's that magic number where it doesn't matter how many more plants you have under it? Is it 5 per light? 8 per light? and it it's per watt total, why can't you get 600 grams with only 1 plant under a single 600? I been thinking about this and thinking...
  9. OZUT

    General Yield Question (about # of grams per watt) - Not the typical yield question

    It's generally acceptable that if you end up with 1 gram per watt then you had a good grow...Question - Is this per plant, per square foot or what? For instance, I have (4) 600 HPS lights in a 4x12 area....I have 23 plants under them and each plant is between 3-12 inches from the light....I'm...
  10. OZUT

    Cold weather and resin production/flowering times

    I don't think it's the cold for the last day that increases resin production, it's the darkness...Think of it like this, in nature the plant realizes it's the end of it's life cycle when it's darker realizes the cold is coming and it's about to die, so in a last ditch effort, it...
  11. OZUT

    Maximum Yield

    Interesting read, gonna finish it later
  12. OZUT

    Spider mites

    The lady bugs are more of a preventative and for minor infestations than a full blown outbreak...It you have a serious mite problem, the bugs won't do much...The first time I introduced them lady's I through in like 3000 and they became more of a nuisance than anything so I vacuum them all...
  13. OZUT

    Master Kush - Seeds from a Hermie - Worth it?

    Hi Guys....I have 12 Master Kush's that turned out fantastic....However, 2 of them had some seeds in them....I was wondering if it would be worth growing those seeds and what should I expect (female - hermie - male - low harvest)? Thanks,
  14. OZUT

    How To Cure

  15. OZUT

    how many watts on one outlet?

    You gotta change the you have a 14 gauge wire and a 30 amp breaker, then you're asking for trouble....what will happen is your wire will get over loaded but your breaker won't trip because it's waiting for 30 amps to trip...what happens is it keeps supporting the ampage being pumped...
  16. OZUT

    powdery mold...close to harvest

    Dude, I was just about to post on this subject...Mine are going into week 4 with a total of 5 weeks to go and I noticed this on 3 of them....not as bad as your pictures but a couple of the lower leaves are getting white powder patches on them.... I heard that if you start seeing these signs...
  17. OZUT

    help please asap : BUGS!

    Buy some lady bugs and put them in the room....I put 5-10 per plant before the mites show up...if they happen to come around, I add a bunch more...they'll be gone in 2-3 days....1,500 lady bugs will cost you between $6-$10 and worth every dollar...Just don't put too many or else they get...
  18. OZUT

    WTF is THIS?! ***URGENT***

    Check for spider mites...On mine, I noticed that almost every time the leaves looked like that, I found a mite...
  19. OZUT

    3 plants almost 3 pounds!

    sweet grow man