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  1. Antny420

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    I balance all my water too...Only 30 gs a day tho..You need to come teach my girl friend a thing or two
  2. Antny420

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    You wnet out and waterd for three hours? You dont sound like our average female
  3. Antny420

    OG KUSH 8 weeks in flower outdoors and no sign of maturity

    flush now man..that thing will be done ina few weeks
  4. Antny420

    Flower Time 2010 2 weeks 3 days

    9-12 weeks get it right
  5. Antny420

    A Peek At My Outdoor Medical Garden.

    Id say its a little hot today.Thats under the patio behind shade net
  6. Antny420

    My plants what do you think?

    yup looks back yard
  7. Antny420

    here r my ladies in northwest Cali

    How would you contain the runoff so it dont soke your buds everytime?
  8. Antny420

    Stealth SCROG roof operation

    I have the same shorts...Nice canopy that shit looks tight
  9. Antny420

    A Peek At My Outdoor Medical Garden.

    I seen that from row 7..Hella high 5ing random dudes and yellin ura bum brett
  10. Antny420

    My Chemdawg is soon????

    I just found two worms on my WW i hate them fuckers
  11. Antny420

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    My fav club up there got shut down...
  12. Antny420

    Do you think this will yield bud and how much?? (not ecpecting much off it)

    Shit that thing took off for ya good luck finishing her
  13. Antny420

    spider mites help

    Neem oil works
  14. Antny420

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    I got some from a place called doctors orders in sac out by del paso..Bomb shit..Thats where im from so I spend some time in sac
  15. Antny420

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    Its in downtown SF..I was there when he bought it was ruff
  16. Antny420

    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    Hope you feel better..
  17. Antny420

    Dirrty's 2010 MMJ Outdoor Grow

    you told me u were in temecula....and jackson
  18. Antny420

    outdoor grow 2010

  19. Antny420

    outdoor grow 2010

    oh and Rico is a gangster ass name
  20. Antny420

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S 2010 Outdoor

    man that plants arms have a gnarly tan