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  1. khm916

    mycomputer fried

    That least you still can get on RIU. Good luck
  2. khm916

    prepare leaves for rolling j's

    How are you going to roll them when there dry? I suggest you do it when there still a little moist.
  3. khm916

    has anyone watched gradmas boy?

    How bout the Brown Bomber?
  4. khm916

    Help Making Organic Soil Mix With Limited Ingredients ?!!

    Hahaha i shouldnt have brought up guano
  5. khm916

    Could someone settle a bet?

    You lose.....
  6. khm916

    another yield question lol

    No one can tell you what your yield is going to be.
  7. khm916

    Lighting Question

    Lots of seed sites don't say that your buying seeds, plus the debit company shouldn't care at all as long as you have the money. How many watts of Cfls are you planning on using?
  8. khm916

    how much weed is this?

    Ya i would say 5-7 depending on density.
  9. khm916

    New Fox Farm Products

    I never thought these products were going to be released.
  10. khm916

    purely aesthetic

    Have you tried this? sounds like fun
  11. khm916

    how much water should it take to water a five gallon bucket

    Sounds like you have the idea down.
  12. khm916

    A Case Full Of Glass

    That pipe is sickk....I love the eyes on it
  13. khm916

    how much water should it take to water a five gallon bucket

    You want water coming out the bottom of the pot, but make sure that the top inch to inch and a half is dry before watering again.
  14. khm916

    Anyone try MJ's Wild Nectar?

  15. khm916

    Alternatives to Jwh-xxx?

    Its a full antagonist unlike marijuana....marijuana is a partial antagonist, the difference can be lethal. Get YOUR facts straight.
  16. khm916

    Mason jars vs.... regular jars?

    ALL GLASS the plastic lid will leak.
  17. khm916

    Anyone try MJ's Wild Nectar?

    I love this shit. I had oral surgery the other day and this stuff is tiding me over till i can burn again. What do you guys think about this product.
  18. khm916


    Yes it will make more clone with topping.
  19. khm916

    Does it matter what brand of bulb for 1000w fixture???

    Yes according to a thread on here the hortilux bulbs will produce a bigger plant.
  20. khm916

    AUTO NL's

    Sounds good, what day are you on now?