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  1. N

    Oil Made with water? i have a few Q's....

    My roommate came home one day last week with a fl.ounce of what she believed was a smokable cannabis oil. the Man she bought it of ( friend of a friend sitch) told her he made it with nothing but water. so when she brought this gooey deep brown gunk that smelt of hash with the consistency of...
  2. N

    Did my dumbass kill it??

    AGREE'D ! checking out the link posted with the whiney deffensive response to the hilariouse replies to this stupid question, did you not look at the article you posted the link to?! '' During the 3rd week of vegetative growth prune half the plants branches and leave the other half.'' I...
  3. N

    fifirst time groe- no clue if this is adiquate - tips plz.

    our usage has actually gone down - as our one 'gaming' computer was running 24/7 and is now gone and our other is now only on for an hr. or two a day, and seeing as I just got a new job the house lights are now off an extra 8-9hrs. :) the timing for this was really in our favor haha
  4. N

    fifirst time groe- no clue if this is adiquate - tips plz.

    honestly not to worried about the DA around here-they have some much bigger fish to fry down the road. they do have a 'BC marijuana patrol' helicopter but i seriously doubt they would be able to catch a heat signiture with it being so low, running LEDs, and everything going in the upper level of...
  5. N

    fifirst time groe- no clue if this is adiquate - tips plz.

    I'm using plain old potting soils in a 5 gal. pot, with about a half inch of crush for drainage, and have a dilution of rhodo,azalia&camila ferts I've used every third watering or so. and I got a ph test kits for my fish, my tap water is 6.5 so figured thats good to go? i dont know if it makes...
  6. N

    fifirst time groe- no clue if this is adiquate - tips plz.

    I have a 4ftx4ftx6ft tall 'closet' tyle set up made just for this, the insides been painted with a water barrier type gloss white in hopes to reflect light around the area, I purchase 4 LED grow panels online, primarily red and blue light spectrum, but also includes some orange and white. it...