fifirst time groe- no clue if this is adiquate - tips plz.


I have a 4ftx4ftx6ft tall 'closet' tyle set up made just for this,
the insides been painted with a water barrier type gloss white in hopes to reflect light around the area,
I purchase 4 LED grow panels online, primarily red and blue light spectrum, but also includes some orange and white.
it says each panel is good for 6.5 sq.ft, but is best hung 1-2ft up, in which case i can visually see the light coming off only reach maybe 2sq.ft

info on them is-Red: 7.3Lux x 77 LEDs
Blue: 4.8Lux x 47 LEDs
Orange: 7.1Lux x 77 LEDs
White: 7.5Lux x 24 LEDs

Red: 660nm
Blue: 450nm
Orange: 630nm

there is also a small canopy type light with two daylight cfl reptile bulbs I had got at a petstore while i was waiting for my led's to arrive these were used to start the seedlings.

1 of 8 bagseeds actually made it to deac. size, is well into veg. state @ 10 inch. after about 6 wks. since germination.
and I'm currently waiting on 6 clones.

since theres only 1 plant in there right now i have 2 panels on either side, one above, and the cfl's facing the back side, I rotate the planter every couple days and these lights are on an 18/6 timer.

I have also made a small c02 generator using the yeat/sugar fermination in old pop bottles, it's putting out a 3mm bubble ever second.
the exhaust line from this is sitting infront of a fan aimed above the plant. I incorporated this generator because the 'closet' is also in a storage garage and everythings so sealed up with no real activities going on, and multiple air scrubbing purifier things in the garage itself i figured it might be lacking c02.

I have a 3 in. intake at the bottom of the area, as well as a 3in. exhast at the top w/ a small fan into a pvc pipe lined with active carbon wool as well as a bag of active pellets.

I have the temp and humidity regulated with humidifier and a little heating fan, but with their own regulator things. aswell as seperate gauges in the oposite corner of the area to ensure the whole area is the same. i keep my temp around 26 and humidity around 60

while I may seem prepared I honestly have no idea what I'm doing or weather this is an accurate set up for 7 plants.
I have only grow outdoors, totally winging it while i was younger - the product was popcorny buds and of a lower quality than desired >.>

Any tips or info as to weather this is good to go, or weather i need to tweak a few things?

I've tried to read as much as i can and i have a little book i write info in but havent got talked to anyone or gotten any real feed back on my seyt-up...


Well-Known Member
Great set up dude! Pay as much attention to your soil, as you obviously have with your set up.


Well-Known Member
Watch that book and write in code only you understand. DA's love that shit written in plain English or Spanish. Oh yeah - make the code simple. KISS. Make it complicated so you have to write a key for it and the DA gets that . . . ..

Tweak what? Get after it. You'll find stuff you are going to change the first day so why keep planning and building? Go, boy. This is about growing the stuff.


I'm using plain old potting soils in a 5 gal. pot, with about a half inch of crush for drainage, and have a dilution of rhodo,azalia&camila ferts I've used every third watering or so. and I got a ph test kits for my fish, my tap water is 6.5 so figured thats good to go? i dont know if it makes a diffrence but i also use a dechlorinator, as this municipality adds chloramine to the water aswell and leaving it out won't clear any chemicals.


honestly not to worried about the DA around here-they have some much bigger fish to fry down the road. they do have a 'BC marijuana patrol' helicopter but i seriously doubt they would be able to catch a heat signiture with it being so low, running LEDs, and everything going in the upper level of this house


Well-Known Member
honestly not to worried about the DA around here-they have some much bigger fish to fry down the road. they do have a 'BC marijuana patrol' helicopter but i seriously doubt they would be able to catch a heat signiture with it being so low, running LEDs, and everything going in the upper level of this house
Got a smart meter?


Got a smart meter?

our usage has actually gone down - as our one 'gaming' computer was running 24/7 and is now gone and our other is now only on for an hr. or two a day,
and seeing as I just got a new job the house lights are now off an extra 8-9hrs. :) the timing for this was really in our favor haha