ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit... I'd put my face in those! Nice job, Fatboy... looks like you've got some Fatgirls, too. Kazam! Back to work for me. . . I mean, smoke break, then back to work for me. lol :peace: 600ers!
Agreed, nothing is fool proof. I can say that since I've been vaping I've def noticed a difference. It's still combustion, tho, and that's not that great. Eating it is my preferred method when I have time to make butter. I'm thinking about making my own capsules this next time around, using some...
He is a blue heeler... Australian cattle dog. Super cute, but will be cuter without his nuts lol ;)
Your pad must smell great! Were those the seedlings u were talking bout with Wsty?
Morning guys, thanks for stopping by and sayin' hey :)
Yeah, slowly starting to fade below the canopy. Last water I did there were a couple fan leaves that were calling it quits under there. Molasses sounds like a good call, tho, HC. I was going to get some of that Backstrap molasses that...
A quick little update...
Things are finally kicking into gear a little bit more. Wish I woulda topped or cropped or fimmed or some shit, though. Just something else to add to my list of 'next times'. . .
I've also broken my use of 'organic only', and thrown in some granulated flower...
Vapes are great. I was a skeptic for a long time, but now that I've got one I have a hard time going back. If you want to take it to the next level (and who doesn't?!), you can buy these little glass elbows that'll fit on the tubing from the vape, and then fit into a bong. That way you can...
Yeah, always in RAW... jpgs start to fall apart too much if you have to do too much to them in photoshop. It takes up more space, but if your photos mean a lot to you it's worth it.
you and Westy so close in bdays... no surprise there lol
whoops, meant to say HAPPY BIRFDAY, too... too many distractions this mornin'.
Have a good one, HC!
Breaks are good. I love to come back feeling refreshed after some time off.
guess who might be doing a round of SLH in the not too far off future. . . we will see...