Search results

  1. PussymOneyWeed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    haha! I came in first place in task roks guess the dabbers contest. Went ahead and picked the 18mm V2, and it ended up coming with the signed case/cd too. Pretty badass of task if i do say so myself. But the funny thing is, I don't...
  2. PussymOneyWeed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Just gonna leave this here...
  3. PussymOneyWeed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Gah so sick! I need some J lee in my life. Guys a boss.
  4. PussymOneyWeed

    Do You Sit or Stand While Toking?

    My bong is 20" tall and always sitting on my table, so i have to stand up to be able to hit it. Although if i'm using a different(somebody else's) bong then i usually am sitting on my ass. So i guess its a 50/50 mix for me.
  5. PussymOneyWeed

    Motivation....How Does It Work?

    Yeah i'm having the exact problem you are kodank. I'm really wanting to get into a nice healthy and active routine, but its proven itself to be difficult so many times in the past that its kind of discouraging haha. This is mainly due to the fact that I don't have any friends that want to just...
  6. PussymOneyWeed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Ah wow, awesome faded! Now that's a cool friend! I'm totally jealous =D Honestly ever since the explosion of the concentrate scene, it's been making me want to get into glass blowing more and more. I can see myself one day actually learning to blowing these tiny concentrate rigs, worked...
  7. PussymOneyWeed

    EVERYONEDOESIT.COM Just Wants Your Credit Card Number,Good Luck After They Have It!!

    Yeah they just posted a spam thread here yesterday about how there having a sale this week or something. Called em out on how they fucking suck and i guess instead of responding to me they just deleted the thread. As stated, EDIT used too be pretty damn good. But nowadays they're just trash and...
  8. PussymOneyWeed

    How Can I Get Back The Highs I Had In The Good Ol'' Days?

    The fact that only one person has suggested this kind of makes me sad. Go make BHO. Our very own Benassi came up with a badass how to guide right here on RIU. Learn it, live it, love it. The general consensus is...
  9. PussymOneyWeed

    Computer help, video editing.

    ^this. Get convertXtodvd 4(or whatever version there on now) I've been burning dvds for years and have never once had a problem with the results.
  10. PussymOneyWeed

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    What kind of friend comes over, cleans their pipe, and just leaves a big gross resin ball layin around?
  11. PussymOneyWeed

    Vancouver Canucks

  12. PussymOneyWeed

    Modern Warfare of Battlefield

    Battlefield 3 ..its sad you even have to ask this.
  13. PussymOneyWeed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Ah saw this on tasks FB, thought it was you! haha. bhombs awayyy
  14. PussymOneyWeed

    My home phone is tapped..

    lolol. Gah I fuckin LOVE this guy.
  15. PussymOneyWeed

    Would someone please wish me happy birthday

    Ah i know how that is. It's never a fun thing to go through =/ Well let me be the *2nd on here to say Happy Birthday Dannyboy
  16. PussymOneyWeed

    I Hate...

    ^Very true. I can easily make my way around the person with their blinker on.
  17. PussymOneyWeed


    Me and about 9 other people just laughed are asses off. Thank you sir.
  18. PussymOneyWeed

    The Dutch Gov't Bans Foreigners From Coffee Shops

    This has been in the news for along time, just sayin. Somebody got into a pissing match with me like 8 months ago in some thread when i brought news this up.
  19. PussymOneyWeed

    Uh oh - Too High at Work (Hash Rookie)

    Yeah i've learned not to mess with hash in the mornings or before work/class. Last time I woke up to some dabs, i started at 8am and then for some reason around 10am i decided it was a good idea to take another. ..I was passed out by 11. Woke back up some time around 3pm and started my...