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  1. NolaDiesel27

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    $175 in NOLA
  2. NolaDiesel27

    what is the most acid you have ever eaten and what was the exp like?

    The most I ever ate was a half a vile of liquid in 1 hour.Hard to say exactly how many hits it would consist of.Tripped for 18 hours.Best night Ever...
  3. NolaDiesel27

    How much in a week??

    Just curious.A friend recently asked me how much I smoke in a week.When I said 1.5 oz a week.He thinks its alot.I obviously dont.All I smoke is blunts.How much is everyone smoking in a week.Just curious...
  4. NolaDiesel27

    What was your CFL harvest per plant?

    I was doing about 1-1.5 oz a plant.Using about 300 actual watts.mix of 2700k and 6500 k bulbs only veg for 4 weeks.I did it for 2 grows,but now I upgraded to 400watt mh/hps lights
  5. NolaDiesel27

    do roots in water need a airstone constantly?

    If your running a hydro system,the water should already be enriched with nutes already
  6. NolaDiesel27

    States and cities with highest lb prices.

    I can still get it for $600
  7. NolaDiesel27

    Help our economy... BUY AMERICAN!!!

    Will be trying them out next week....
  8. NolaDiesel27

    Guess my yield

    420 kilos
  9. NolaDiesel27

    GTA V

    Anybody wanna jump on.WhoDoDat27
  10. NolaDiesel27

    Indoor 3 oz or more plant contest.!!

    Money Maker,no topping or FIM.4 weeks since flipped to 12/12.GH Nutes.400 watt HPS
  11. NolaDiesel27

    What deficiency or problem is this?

    Hope this helps
  12. NolaDiesel27

    My 3rd grow.Northern Lights,Money Maker,Hawiian Skunk Haze

    A pic update..Tomorrow starts week 4 since flipping to 12/12.Everything is doing ok.
  13. NolaDiesel27

    WhoDat Sticky Trap

    Love the setup,who dat bitches
  14. NolaDiesel27

    Average $ per lb top shelf flower?

    oh ok gotcha
  15. NolaDiesel27

    Average $ per lb top shelf flower?

    I wouldn't consider it donating it if you want to be compensated for it......just saying...
  16. NolaDiesel27

    Byron Smith execution of burglars

    Let someone break into my house,Ill torture them before killing them.They got off easy.I dont see what the fuss is all about.Yall saying he is fucked up for doing that,but they shouldn't have broke into his house.I say he is right .....
  17. NolaDiesel27

    My 3rd grow.Northern Lights,Money Maker,Hawiian Skunk Haze

    One of my Hawaiian Skunk Haze ended up being a male.So I separated it and will be collecting the pollen and will cross it with a White Widow x Big Bud on my next grow.Results should be interesting....
  18. NolaDiesel27

    My 3rd grow.Northern Lights,Money Maker,Hawiian Skunk Haze

    400watt HPS/MH lights,GH Nutes,Peat Pellets for medium,Vegged for 3 weeks,On 3rd week of flowering