mg works, it needs 1 extra search a few journals that clame to do mg and they know whats missing.
also you should give this a look over a dozen 12/12 from seed growers in one place.
thanks for reading it all. with my...
as it was a seed grow i thought i'd get 50% girls and boys. I got 100% girls.
and each plant would be just over an oz. so 7 or 8 girls at just over an oz = 1/2 poundish.
here was the way in.
Plants #'s:
Strain = Strawberry Jam
1-01 23.0g
1-02 23.2g
1-03 26.5g
1-04 28.3g
1-05 7.2g
Points for user
Sum: 372
Reputation: 98
Use of reputation system: 10
Per day: 194
Friends: 6
Visitormessages: 32
Albumpictures: 33
this grower has 37 posts but 98 rep they may be a good help.
also plants that have flowered and reveg or clones that were cut from flowing mother will all way smell strong just like at late flowering.
you should be fine. nothing better then the sun.
i think i read if you flower past 6 weeks you can't reveg they will flower out. I plan to try this trick soon. so i can grow my last half out side with what ever the sun is at.
Day 11
this was my best one on day 14
The tallest at 3". Day 14 and in just a few weeks she hit 54" (The links broke so you cant make larger)
your look on target
90%+ are just cut and past from the link in my singature
Q - Is this male or female?
This may help.
i would use this if you are new.
I have this one. the ph I never got to work correctlly, but moist and light work great