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  1. DrGreenFinger

    Mini Microscope @ Radio Shack, $11...Not Having to ask "How Long?"...PRICELESS!!!

    i almost took mine back at first, i couldnt see jack! thanks for the tips. does contacting the trikes create considerable damage? will you notice a difference in the end product? will indications on a leaf parallel that of a bud, or will the bud give a different indication?
  2. DrGreenFinger

    Mini Microscope @ Radio Shack, $11...Not Having to ask "How Long?"...PRICELESS!!!

    yeah it is. i once saw something that resembled an ice world or something. i tried to take a pic through the eyepiece (:dunce: :roll:) but it didn't come out very clear. :mrgreen: :peace:
  3. DrGreenFinger

    Mini Microscope @ Radio Shack, $11...Not Having to ask "How Long?"...PRICELESS!!!

    more technically... Gland color will vary with ripeness of the individual THC glands, starting at clear, turning to milky, then turning to an amber color. There may be some exceptions, such as some of the Blue strains and Blackberry.These will have darker, sometimes purple gland heads. But by...
  4. DrGreenFinger

    Looking At Trichomes

    :lol: probably shake even more :hump: :mrgreen:
  5. DrGreenFinger

    Looking At Trichomes

    not an answer to the question posed, but definitely good info. if i were you i would begin flushing immediately, if you have begun to notice red hairs around week 5 (hairs may start reddening early on and revert back to producing white hairs). you want to flush at least 2 weeks before harvest...
  6. DrGreenFinger

    Looking At Trichomes

    definitely! :peace:
  7. DrGreenFinger

    Mini Microscope @ Radio Shack, $11...Not Having to ask "How Long?"...PRICELESS!!!

    The best way to find out when your plants will be ready for harvest is to purchase this toy (attach. 1 below). When the white hairs on your plant have begun to turn red, look at the plant through the microscope (up close). You must use the illumination to see anything. What you are looking at is...
  8. DrGreenFinger

    Looking At Trichomes

    i hold a leaf between two fingers with my left hand. holding the mic with my right hand, i balance the right hand on the left hand. it still takes practice, but this works best for me.
  9. DrGreenFinger

    How long shall i flower her for ??

    of course, it is going to depend on the strain. no one can tell you for sure without knowing the strain. still the best way is to go to radio shack and get an $11 dollar mini microscope. when about 50% of the hairs have turned red, start looking through the mic at the trikes (crystals) on the...
  10. DrGreenFinger

    14 hours of light during flowering...

    after a while they will revert back to veggin'. how long has this been going on?
  11. DrGreenFinger

    14 hours of light during flowering...

    good info. i decided not to experiment with this one, yet. but, knowledge is key. :wink: thanks for sharin'. :peace:
  12. DrGreenFinger

    14 hours of light during flowering...
  13. DrGreenFinger

    Cool DIY Carbon Scrubber

    thanx for the tip, i made a similar one. but if you intend to make one of these, you should know that you can buy these preassembled for less than the $70 quoted at mycotopia. odor sock: National Garden Wholesale : Gardening Supplies ebay has many, this is just eBay Store –...
  14. DrGreenFinger

    coco mold!!!

    would/could a light mist with a very weak bleach water solution work? i recently had some type of mold forming on the organic fiber cell pots i was using to clone in. i hit them with some light misting of weak bleach water (you couldn't even smell the bleach) and it worked. :peace:
  15. DrGreenFinger

    14 hours of light during flowering...

    huh?????????????????????????? :confused:
  16. DrGreenFinger

    14 hours of light during flowering...

    are you serious? dude, everything has been tried at some point, that's how we know what works. i am more into learning from others mistakes, as opposed to making them myself. at 1st i thought u had your question backwards, because you can veg 24. but the scenarios you proposed are out of the...
  17. DrGreenFinger

    14 hours of light during flowering...
