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  1. Delux83

    How I'd Grow if I Grew.

    thanks for stopping in, best is still to come ;)
  2. Delux83

    my 8-10k watt kush grow

    um sub'd This i gotta see sounds PRIME And yes how much is your electric bill a month? That insanity also came with an insane price tag on it too guess it will be cool to see if it works for you =D maybe in 60 days if it does ill buy it from u at a discounted rate so you can get some of your...
  3. Delux83

    4000W Medicial Purple Kush 256 Plant Ebb and Flow SOG Grow

    guess the rice didnt work... bummer u plan on getting a new one or borrowing one or the journal a wrap?
  4. Delux83

    Convict Kush!!!~~~~~1200 watt grow!!!

    Ive been smoking down with friends way b4 there were any MMJ cards i could give fuck less bout that just dont have the cash flow to fund a trip like this ='/
  5. Delux83

    400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

    I know right here is my next toy b4 the herb iron /sigh it will never stop *N-OkYNIO3_8
  6. Delux83

    ur avatars are always pleasant to ones eye ;) good taste lol

    ur avatars are always pleasant to ones eye ;) good taste lol
  7. Delux83

    400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

    everyone please please stop sharing all this cool stuff to me cuz then i have to buy it and i really need to stop spendig money on pot stuff lol
  8. Delux83

    Hi everyone. This is my first grow and the grow room i have set up. What ya think?

    Dan I think I have learned as much from you a first time grower as I have learned from any experianced grower on this site except UB lol. I will be following all your grows as long as you keep a journal. Just be sure to always post links in your old ones so its easy for people to follow and...
  9. Delux83

    Convict Kush!!!~~~~~1200 watt grow!!!

    lol i think it would be sicc to make a road trip and visit peeps ive made on here, actually check out the diff grows share smoke and stories see places ive never been RIGHT here in the US now that sounds like a vacation
  10. Delux83

    Northern Lights KC Brains

    i dont member what that crystal is but i do know he has it with all his plants and from what ive seen not the best of luck so far...... maybe time to ditch the crystal?..... I'm just saying
  11. Delux83

    Simple Game...

  12. Delux83

    Vanilla Kush Grow

    lol if you place a order you get free seeds on top of what you ordered u cant just say hey toss me a seed
  13. Delux83

    Hi everyone. This is my first grow and the grow room i have set up. What ya think?

    so i was just wondering.......... what kind of scale you got for this big job u got comeing up? OH AND CANT WAIT FOR THE PPPPPIIIIIICCCCCSSSSSS!!
  14. Delux83

    Simple Game...

  15. Delux83

    Nel's first go round with Aero, sooo done with soil

    how goes the indoor project?
  16. Delux83

    400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

    babies look nice, so the herb iron makes you want to smoke more huh might not be good for me lol im trying to find ways to smoke less lol
  17. Delux83

    Simple Game...

  18. Delux83

    Vanilla Kush Grow

    so far so good, dont worry bout taking the seed off ill shed it soon
  19. Delux83

    Outdoor 2010 Monster grow attempt

    hell yeah man i like the set up doesnt look like you will be having any critter problems with that set up, looks like u werent bull shiting bout the monster part vegged em to what 3? 4 feet? keep it up bro
  20. Delux83

    Alaska MMJ

    Hit the nail on the head there lol, stuff has been so-so round here latley. so you put them in trees to? wouldnt that kinda block sun to em? i mean all the tree branches. and i guess you dont dig holes for em then you just leave them in the one gallon bags? how often do they need to be watered...