Search results

  1. thelastpirate

    1000 watt MH ?!?!?!?

    Yeah, I'd say that it's way overkill for a closet grow. You're gonna play mortal hell keeping temps down. Someone who does the closet thing might disagree, but I'd think that one 400w would be the MAX I'd use in the average closet. I wouldn't be so quick to discount your bagseed. That shit has...
  2. thelastpirate

    1000 watt MH ?!?!?!?

    I'd start out with it AT LEAST 3' from the tops, then start lowering it until you see signs of heat stress, then back off. I am using 400w lights at between 15" and 18". It all depends on how much air flow you got going between the plant tops and the reflector. You gonna need a good fan blowing...
  3. thelastpirate

    peanut butter

    Narcotics equipment describes rolling papers about as well as manufacturing defines growing. You're one of the few that I have ever heard of getting out without probation. Generally they'll keep you there for a few months, and then offer you probation on a reduced charge (Which most people are...
  4. thelastpirate

    peanut butter

    I know that this is an unfair comparison, but in Key West (My Home), you can rent out just a room in your house for $800 to $1000 per month, PLUS a share of the utilities. Kids at McDonald's knock down $14 an hour so they can somewhat afford to live there. When they (Bastards!!) decided to make...
  5. thelastpirate

    HPS is too expensive, any substitutes?

    OR.........................You could do what I did and call around to ALL of the electrical contractors or demolition contractors in your area and ask if they have any salvaged HID lights. Very little goes to waste when they knock down a bldg. There is a shitload of HPS and MH lights available...
  6. thelastpirate

    WTF Tickle me pink... =]

    I've been askin' around about the same phenomena. My dealer chick has grown some of the same seed stock I have and has gotten those pink pistils. I doubt they have anything to do with the potency, but like the others have said "DAMMIT thats sexy!!" I'm tryin' to figure out how to get mine to do...
  7. thelastpirate

    Marketing, WTF is up with this?

    Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!!!! I was genuinely amazed at just how fuckin' good my bagseed turned out. It's way better than most anything else available around here. Thems some nice nugs!!! It aint purple, but I'd bet its the shit!!! They look beautiful to me.
  8. thelastpirate

    peanut butter

    The lowly peanut is a plant much like cannabis. George Washington Carver found 1001 uses for the peanut and its byproducts!!! Everything from food to oils. Have you ever heard of Dartz Filmz? The shit is the bomb, dontcha think? You gotta try the crunchy. There are little bits of peanut in...
  9. thelastpirate

    How much do you usually yield

    OK, then get yourself some real lights, read the grow FAQ (and anything else you can read on the subject) decide how ya wanna go (Soil or Hydro) and go for the gold. Hang out here, you'll learn something. OK, A LOT of somethings. And WELCOME to the club!!!!
  10. thelastpirate

    problem with metal halide

    Dude is a PRIME CANDIDATE for this years Darwin award!
  11. thelastpirate

    LADY BUGS! good? bad? or neutral?

    I found one in my plants yesterday, but the stupid fucker kept flying up into my reflector. I'm pretty sure the heat will kill it, but what can I do? 3 of my reflectors are fucking HUGE round domes (approx 36" across). I cant really cover that with anything without losing light or risking too...
  12. thelastpirate

    Marketing, WTF is up with this?

    Is it just my area, or are people really that stupid as to believe that 'Dro, Hydro, and other such nonsense names are strains? And if it aint purple, it aint shit? It seems to me that if I gave oregano an exotic name and soaked it in purple food coloring, I could sell it for double what dank...
  13. thelastpirate

    Cold and purple

    I have heard that colder temps at night create purple pistils, I have also heard that cold will only make a purple strain more purple. I'm asking, 'cuz the girl I buy my dope from (My seed source) has grown a couple in her backyard, and the buds on her plants were purple. Same seed stock. I'd...
  14. thelastpirate

    Flowering Plants Too Tall

    Try "super-cropping". It's an alternative to topping. You find an area between 2 nodes and pinch just hard enough to feel it "crunch" a bit. Do that all around the stem so that the top will not support itself and lays down, but the stem IS STILL INTACT. The top will then grow up towards the...
  15. thelastpirate

    Eyes In The Sky

    Extremely well put!! FLIR is HIGHLY OVERRATED as a tool to detect grows. It's just one round in the clip of making the case against you. Once you have popped up on the cops radar, it's only a matter of time before they make their case. Informants are THE FIRST LINE of information used by cops...
  16. thelastpirate

    Cold and purple

    Is there a correlation between colder grow room temps at night and purple pistils??
  17. thelastpirate

    Fem seeds YES

    Toker, I have read several posts on other forums about this and I believe that the concentration of colloidal silver for human consumption is less than needed for this. You need to make your own, and DON'T try and use it for medicinal purposes!!
  18. thelastpirate

    How much do you usually yield

    You cannot grow in the dark. If you don't have the facilities for a grow, then you're only risking jail for nothing.
  19. thelastpirate

    Eyes In The Sky

    They have MR (magnetic resonance), and radio telemetry that can be used to "see" great detail in the interior of your house. The upside is that the technology is SO prohibitively expensive, that only Special Ops will generally have them. We're talking real spook action. Our local boys don't have...
  20. thelastpirate

    dying stipules?

    The only thing I can see that they are useful for is fucking with new Botanists!!! I actually thought that they were pistils during a quick inspection, but upon closer inspection, I found it to be a hermie. If there is no other signs of stress or distress, I aint worrying about it. Everything...