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  1. mistaphuck

    Help solve a debate between a friend and I..

    I don't think anal stimulation is gay.. the point of sex is pleasure right? if it makes it more pleasurable then why the fuck not? now personally I would not let anything other than my girls finger up my ass, I mean if it looks like a cock and you let it up your ass, that's a bit gay, but a lady...
  2. mistaphuck

    Tric pics

    i want it to stick its dick in me
  3. mistaphuck

    3 Word Story

    bum bum BUM!!
  4. mistaphuck

    3 Word Story

    or does it?
  5. mistaphuck

    3 Word Story

    like a boss
  6. mistaphuck

    3 Word Story

    rocket propelled tricycle
  7. mistaphuck

    3 Word Story

    and can fly
  8. mistaphuck

    Tric pics

    dude that makes it look hella trippy, like its pulsating or some shit..
  9. mistaphuck

    Rain coming...

    can you cover your plants at all? that would seem to me better than moving them
  10. mistaphuck

    So I just Watched Fear and Loathing

    i had to rewatch that part just now with the angel... seriously why have I not seen that?
  11. mistaphuck

    Can someone confirm that these bulbs won't burn my house down?

    that was an error I was hoping no one would notice... I get my 150 and my 400 watter mixed up sometimes
  12. mistaphuck

    Zeigeist - NWO, 9/11, Religion, Federal Reserve & A Chip In Ur Head

    spam.......... fake and gay
  13. mistaphuck

    3 Word Story

    pimple covered penis
  14. mistaphuck

    jc1; co2 is it as good as people say

    I have heard it can increase yield up to 50 percent, and its a fact that plants can absorb 7 times the amount of co2 commonly found in the air.
  15. mistaphuck

    3 Word Story

    with someone named
  16. mistaphuck

    3 Word Story

    to eat poop
  17. mistaphuck

    Had to move my girls and the timer got messed up.

    yeah I do not really bother being strict on my light cycles while vegetating, I use 18/6 but I regularly interrupt it. but I don't fuck with the 12/12
  18. mistaphuck

    Offical prop 19 after party thread- WE DID IT !!!!

    lmao he wanted it to lose, whose a stupid dumbass again?
  19. mistaphuck

    Looking at first grow any help appreciated :)

    I don't know what the cultivation laws of Australia are, but I can tell you its not a good idea to grow weed in your parents house. not without their permission anyways.. that's how I did it but my parents are stoners..