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  1. cannofbliss


    hell... yeah... pacific point is nice... never been there but always wanted to... now that i actually think of it... i kinda want to be everywhere and or at least have seen almost every country that is... ;)
  2. cannofbliss


    omg heph... so drastic lol ;) you know she's gonna get u back... and in a good way for you i hope... ;)
  3. cannofbliss


    well you def got it right there... ;) i just love it when a girl "pounces" out of the blue and surprises me... ;) he'll love you for it... :)
  4. cannofbliss


    for some reason cant reply w quote... so to kush... in response to "what you talkin bout willis"... here... ;)
  5. cannofbliss


    LOL hilarious observing the "competitiveness" males display over a female... its as if RIU is now transformed into the "serengeti" and the "hunt" is on... you guys crack me up... ;)
  6. cannofbliss

    Lace and Frills <3

    again buck... you do have some great wit... LOL :clap:
  7. cannofbliss

    Lace and Frills <3

    its so true... if people would just enjoy "just being themselves" and stop with the "whatever stigma" that is so "repressive" about sex... and it really becomes stupid when it becomes such a "competitive" subject... ;)
  8. cannofbliss

    Lace and Frills <3

    and p.s. how the fuck did you get that many bars of rep with only 42 posts??? just curious... ;)
  9. cannofbliss

    Lace and Frills <3

    well women too have the innate desire to have themselves "stand out" amongst the rest of the females... that way they stand as being the "dominant" and most "attractive" potential mate as well... why... did you think that women just like to fight and argue/and or make the other one look bad and...
  10. cannofbliss

    Lace and Frills <3

    LOL and for that matter... its also stupid that guys get "upset" at women for "knowing what they want" versus them "pretending to be passive and stupid" so that way "men" can tell them what "they" want... again its just stupid... and apparently we havent evolved enough from the "dominating"...
  11. cannofbliss


    what??? where did this come from???
  12. cannofbliss

    Lace and Frills <3

    i think its hilarious the double standard in which a guy can talk about bangin some pussy, and everyone goes "hell yeah"... but when a girl talks about fucking its all like.... "oh noes"... "she must be a slut"... just plain stupid... :roll:
  13. cannofbliss

    Any of you guys a pilot?

    for some reason the pics werent working... so wondering if any issues with u guys having pic upload issues???
  14. cannofbliss

    Any of you guys a pilot?

    well it could be worse... they could lose their life at the Dole Pineapple Cannery... ;)
  15. cannofbliss

    Fried Motherfuckers

    haha hilarious man i was just thinking the same thing when i saw the title thread... hahaha LOL... ;) man thats one tasty mothafucka... ;) Mr. Jackson... "you know what they call a fried muthafucka in france???" a what??? Mr. Jackson... "say what again muthafucka... say what again... i dare...
  16. cannofbliss

    why legalise it?

    well the vid doesnt really explain it... ;) but in all seriousness now... wipe it off the face of legislation... as if it were another simple commodity such as corn or cotton for that matter... but i suspect that even the "medical cannabis community" that makes a shit ton off of pharmacy...
  17. cannofbliss

    why legalise it?

    this should explain some things... ;);feature=player_detailpage
  18. cannofbliss

    MY city 1 year later...

    ahhh... so that explains the avatar... hmmm... sucky situation... :-(
  19. cannofbliss

    Tramadol as anti depressant?

    ummm... yeah i would advise not to take tramadol... as the ONLY good thing out of it would be that smoke tastes sweet... it is as big of a bitch of withdrawal as any heavy opioid... although it does work well as an "anti-depressant" and literally can give you plenty of "energy" in the form of...
  20. cannofbliss

    More than 2,000 false convictions in 23 years.

    and sadly the money that they made off of him being in prison those years... will still greatly outweigh the "compensation" he would receive... :roll: