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  1. Medical Grade

    Passing A Drug Test

    synthetic urine in a bottle with a sticker strip thermometer with a pocket warmer is your best option on this. tape the hand warmer to the bottle on the other side of the strip (its okay if it wraps all the way around). put the package next to your boys, wear some tightie whities, and you are...
  2. Medical Grade

    Is the new DNA t-shirt not a little creepy?

    either that - or all of their seeds are actually electronic bugs that can be tracked and send audio and video back to them. yeap, those are the only 2 options.
  3. Medical Grade

    Is the new DNA t-shirt not a little creepy?

    maybe they are just saying their weed / brand is powerful.. you know with symbology...
  4. Medical Grade

    Copper deficiency or what is it?

    quick put some pennies in some water and water your plant with it!! no im just kidding. actually you should be looking for issues in new growth. those two leaves at the bottom are the two original leaf's your plant starts with and they are just used up. yellowing and dieing is normal.
  5. Medical Grade

    Stupid question time

    i found your answers on but only if i knew how to copy and paste could i answer both questions.
  6. Medical Grade

    TGA Subcool Soil Is Not Organic!

    somebody cares too much in this thread...
  7. Medical Grade

    Ear Wax

    Sub cool has cool thread on how to make what he calls pic wax - and it is like little rock candys of bho extract :D
  8. Medical Grade

    would you kill a poisonious spider?

    holy shit, get the can of
  9. Medical Grade

    Agent Orange MONSTER Yield 2 plants 8 oz per plant! in a 36"W x 24"D x 78"H cabinet!

    To the OP, very nicely done. How do you keep the temps down? and how long did you veg and flower for?
  10. Medical Grade

    Very misleading article about dope today

    i dunno, should copy the article in to your post :P
  11. Medical Grade

    would you kill a poisonious spider?

    poisonous spider = die. We had a fucktun of black widows and brown recluses where i grew up. Garden spiders, granddaddy long legs, regular brown spiders are cool though - i mean cool doing their spider thing outside :P
  12. Medical Grade

    SSI piss test.

    dood, a piss test for aphysical exam is different than a drug screen. they are looking for health concerns, not drugs. Unless they specifically state they are taking this urine sample for a drug screening and you sign papers agreeing to this, and you put your initials on the sample they sealed...
  13. Medical Grade

    Stealth Speaker Grow - Short Stuff Super Cali Haze - CFL - SCROG

    It's a time to harvest sign not a symptom
  14. Medical Grade

    caught by the pigs

    roflmao hahaha
  15. Medical Grade

    World of Seeds Afghan Kush Ryder, Charting progress.

    Afghan kush ryder can produce some killer coffee smelling dank .. over an oz per plant.
  16. Medical Grade

    Tyvek To Make Wine?

    i brew beer :) going back to the keg now for a refill..
  17. Medical Grade

    Afghan Kush Ryder

    afghan kush ryder by world of seeds is a winner - they can take alot of abuse and will still produce well. You should get close to an ounce per plant under a 600w :) Or at least i did - growing in soil with 3 gallon pots.
  18. Medical Grade

    Some lower leaves yellowing but my main concern is a YELLOW SPOT ON A LEAF

    oh jesus, not yellow spots!!! and some of them were touching the wall, and ... dirt? wtf is going on over there? get it together man!
  19. Medical Grade

    Struggle is the enemy, but Weed is the remedy. For the confused - Check those out
  20. Medical Grade

    Struggle is the enemy, but Weed is the remedy.

    i'm so fucking high right now, and i really need it. :D :leaf: Thank you cannabis.