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  1. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yea just write, you wankers in the snow
  2. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yo chill out man :bigjoint: No need to bring press into it, press are just as much of scum and probably are why the safety shit and regulations are put into place. Because people exasperate the importance of things... Im not talking local press im talking more mass media and shit. Dont get the...
  3. growwwww

    Buying a lot of Salvia, what extract to get? (20x, 25x, 40x)

    You cant hit it like a normal bong hit, you hold it in carry on breathing in for like a minute or until ur reality just melts around you... Id go for 20x its goood shit
  4. growwwww

    Perception is reality

    No its not similar, we feel these things in miliseconds and its hardly a universal lag...people vary in there senses and what not, some people are more attuned and receptors and CNSs work quicker and whatever. But with your example the star, we all see it at its same period...
  5. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Thats not cool!!! Complain, defintely. The school are just being lazy because they would have to probably highly supervise the kids because someone would inevitably get heart but thats what growing ups all about! Getting hit n working in enviroments that you may be hit in, whats the point of fif...
  6. growwwww

    Got dubstep? Bass heavy music- turn the subs up!

    Are you american??? You will soon see what i mean! If dubstep starts spreading widely over the USA ( if it has ) and starts playing in clubs all the time and whatnot.
  7. growwwww

    Perception is reality

    Sounds like the whole Marxism idea, The small few on the top who own and exploit everyone underneath.
  8. growwwww

    Buying Pot in Amsterdam

    Yea ive been before, as long as you are 18 its fine. But what im saying is the coffee shops aint going no where fast :)
  9. growwwww


    Yup Cracker said it, now doc please stop repeating the same thing over and over we get it. You dont know anything for sure...okay we get it...Or do we?? :lol:
  10. growwwww


    Yup, thats where the whole evolutionary perspective comes into play. We can see that religion once was of utmost importance, when people went to war and when people were in famine it was religion thta kept their hope and possibly led them on to survive/defend from people. But, this is all big...
  11. growwwww

    Perception is reality

    Well Politics is one of the best institutions which shift memes around. And memes, are essential what make up what we think and how, which is possibly reality? The truth is indirectly for some it may be purely how they percieve things, through political eyess
  12. growwwww

    Perception is reality

    Guys lets not be silly, the reality is obama is gonna save the world :D
  13. growwwww

    Buying Pot in Amsterdam

    Dude it will never become illegal or unavailable to tourists, it brings them wayyyyyy tooo much money. And hold on is this happening jan 26th coming up!!! Gutted, im going on the 14th of Feb :( 43 LESS COFFEE SHOPS DAMN!!! ha
  14. growwwww


    Your just annoying, im not saying its absolute either. The truth is, if they are fucking right they cant say theres been much wrong with athiests, we arent violently doing much we arent keeping kosher or going to church or rapping our women up in burqas no. but we are still being charitable and...
  15. growwwww


    Oh btw this is what i was talking about, with the ways humans phsyically imitate and empathise, watch his other talk aswell, this man is fantastic!!!! This is a fucking nutts discovery, think about it? Research...
  16. growwwww

    Growing shrooms - a few questions

    You dont NEED a pressure cooker when doing BRF cakes ( pf tek ) ive done it twice and ii steam sterlisd for 90 minutes to 2 hours. Just Check out shroomery guides n what not it really aint hard. Saying that ivve done it twice first tiem it fucked up coz of really bad spores and second time i...
  17. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ah for fuck sake! Well im stocked up on food and shit so its cool. Anyway im off now everyone be safe in the weather peace
  18. growwwww


    Damn, sorry to hear about all of that. but yeah my mums been through lots of peeps dieing when she was a child. And similarly to ur mother i suppose? but not really. My mum has always said to me when i was growing up, if god does exist, hes an absolute wanker. Anyway, peace too all!
  19. growwwww

    Dustep DNB ect-post Anything Good

    Good music :) z59gAXZ0ksQ
  20. growwwww


    Cool, really good to hear. Truthfully speaking to my mother whos really quite a tough cookie and normally gets shit right. She just thinks and i think its true, women just have better shit to do in there time than bother with religion...Because mostly it doesnt involve them and athiesm they just...