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  1. growwwww


    Morgen says it like it is. And, Doc, i donno about you, but i think sexism is pretty wrong, i think homophobia is pretty wrong and i also think conditioning kids into shit when they are young is also pretty fucking wrong. And i tell you what, ive met people who have actually given talks...
  2. growwwww


    Aye yes sir, so could one not say - letting go of the shit with virtually no proof. Is just a tiny step to what we as you say, all strive to understand, placement in the "universe" ?
  3. growwwww


    I use to be in a faith school and use to admire the religious people. We use to go on trips to really cool places and whatever. Until, my fascination with science/drugs came along. My own personal research debunked and de-bullshitted most of what these people who i thought were really cool had...
  4. growwwww

    Mdma Thread - Best way IMO to reduce nasty neg effects of mdma

    Loads of weed for a comedown, straight up.
  5. growwwww

    bringin in the new year

    Damn, ANC i would love to trip and try n play with that peacock! would be so fun.
  6. growwwww

    Growin the ganja in the dorm :D

    Nirvana were wicked stealth to me in UK, i stupidly ordered them to Uk from netherlands...Everywhere is different. ( i know we have attitude i learnt that after )
  7. growwwww


    Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself. But, if you are depressed/anxious...dnno if you should be getting buzzing. It depleted your serotonin and it takes a wee while for it to stock up again. atleaste i think thats how it works. Anyway who gives a shit, i dnt know how u work and wahtever, shit...
  8. growwwww


    I fucking well hope the athiests are as militant as the christians and whatever - dont really understand that, and if i do, i dont think its a problem. Think about what you are actually saying though, about the closed/open minded thing. Think and look up the "militant" atheists. Tell me are...
  9. growwwww


    Cult of dusty is too good. Hes a true legend. Im sure some of you have seen this, or even checked out TED, brilliant site. Richard Dawkin, doesnt preach athiesm here, he preaches militant athiesm :) i love it, ha.
  10. growwwww


    ahh shit, that was maybe one of the most innapropriate ways to finish a post, my bad. Sorry! that was not cool to say.
  11. growwwww


    Very true! my bad. But it was justy an example, to say, as if, there was a forceful militant athiests/ militant religious person... Yah man, we dont want anyshit going down anyones throats. Apart from the girlfriends...
  12. growwwww

    salvaging a PC grow, back to tube growing

    lookin good :) this is themost horrible part, when the buds coming and u know its gonna take time!!
  13. growwwww


    Erm, most definetly not. We are merely forcing our intolerance towards ( justified ) sexism, racism, animal torture and the conditioning of such stark ideology on young and vulnerable minds. Im pretty sure, you look at the most absolute athiests, you look at the most absoulute religiious...
  14. growwwww


    to be honest, if the six day war didint happen, israel was lost, becamse palestine...more blood would have been shed, and then even more blood most probably with intra-arab conflict, the shiat and sunni....Can you not see what were on about, both are fucked up.
  15. growwwww

    Alex Grey Apreciation Thead

    HOw did tool get u into bill hicks, bill hicks is a fucking legend, was a legend...Alex grey and bill hicks woo! Tool, meh....
  16. growwwww


    hmm maybe some of them are "proper jews" not the ones i know but i can imagine hehe
  17. growwwww

    Alex Grey Apreciation Thead

    urghh i hate it when bands or artists hier other famous artists or whatever to produce and work on a product its such a fucking money making thing to do, synergy or whatever its called. Love alex grey though, like this thread, shame about tool though.
  18. growwwww

    Rim Cleaner

    how good is this shit for cleaning rims though???
  19. growwwww


    im just really really high right now, and im just thinking about it, its so nutts! haha fucking we get fed so much shit about how ruthless israelis are n shit and here are a fairly big population of massive hippies and a tradition of going to india after the army to get fucked and rave...Its...
  20. growwwww


    They aint jewish they dont keep religion or whatever its just nutts though, i have honestly never in my life met such stoned and hip guys. These fucking well built, dreaded israelis, thick accent and just so madly peaceful. Really cool guys. Im not jewish or anything just know a bunch of them in...