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  1. cannofbliss

    Best Avatar Pic Contest

    i like what happens to "mario" when he "eats mushrooms"... ;)
  2. cannofbliss

    what are these white globs on my stem? (pics included)

    lol... its okay i guess the flow of the thread's responses were of a satirical nature so i just kept with it... in a funny manner i guess... ;)
  3. cannofbliss

    Best Avatar Pic Contest

    Now, just to lay out some ground rules here... there wont be a "prize" per say, but there will be bragging rights... ;) i have seen a many of neat and really funny and creative avatar pics on here from other members... and wanted to see if we all could for fun see who could come up with and or...
  4. cannofbliss

    removal of fan leaves during flowering

    lol... yeah i understand, and youre one of the ones on here that actually "do" know what you are doing... so its just a fine blend between giving them the necessary amount of N so that they dont lose all of their fans and also that they dont starve either... even genetics plays a crucial role...
  5. cannofbliss

    removal of fan leaves during flowering

    i did check out uncle ben's thread back in the day and well again now as a refresher... and yes he does know what "he's" doing and it works for him... however if you look at the pic... you can clearly see he has more "sugar leaf" than "bud"... dont get me wrong... he is a very good...
  6. cannofbliss

    removal of fan leaves during flowering

    i dont mind at all and the very reason i even came here to this site was to learn more experiential knowledge from what others had here... and due to the high # of intelligent people on here in comparison to other sites regarding cannabis... they dont all of a sudden lose their chlorophyll...
  7. cannofbliss

    removal of fan leaves during flowering

    and that is why a lot of plants (especially cannabis) have additional pigments (xanthophylls (yellows) and carotenoids) which are the accessory pigments that feed light energy to chlorophyll "a" from light... chlorophyll is almost useless in the green part of the spectrum, and doesn't absorb...
  8. cannofbliss

    removal of fan leaves during flowering

    i hardly fall for "myths" as i have done extensive scientific study on the biology of cannabis... ;) i never said that they "dont" need N... i just said as a result of less hours of light the leaves will have "less chlorophyll production"... ;) remember its chlorophyll that comes from light...
  9. cannofbliss

    removal of fan leaves during flowering

    try it... take two like clones (so you have same genetic platform to work with for an accurate control) feed one the same amount of N you did in veg all the way through flowering... then the other... start to dwindle down its N as the plant progresses into the later end of flowering... say...
  10. cannofbliss

    removal of fan leaves during flowering

    well... first of all... yes you are correct about NOT stopping giving the plant N... as cannabis is an evergreen and should remain somewhat green throughout its life cycle... and the reason why in the later stage of flowering they "should" turn more yellow, is because the "days are shorter and...
  11. cannofbliss

    what are these white globs on my stem? (pics included)

    ohhh... thats bad... very bad... ive seen this before and it can wipe out your entire crop if you dont take care of it right away... i think its full latin scientific name is called... whitespoterificus calcicus destructoyouropotplanticus... :bigjoint:
  12. cannofbliss

    The World Market

    cant find a clip of it, but if you have seen the southpark episode of margaritaville where kyle stands up and tells the people that "without faith" its just plastic cards and paper money... and there's a good point as well... "faith" or "religion" or belief in what isnt real... like believing...
  13. cannofbliss

    should they be this small?

    you seem to have a good sense of humor... so... ya know... i kinda get mixed up when i see a thread that's titled "should they be this small"??? and i say to myself... hoping their breasts and not balls... LOL jk but anyways on the serious side, it just looks like they are a little...
  14. cannofbliss

    What's wrong with white people?

    hey not to derail... (stoner moment ;)... but an idea just popped in my head... have they ever had a "best avatar pic award" here on RIU??? and dizzle, ive got to say that you got some of the funniest and coolest av's around man... :clap:
  15. cannofbliss

    removal of fan leaves during flowering

    id say no earlier than 6 wks... but that is of course unnecessary... if they are fed correctly about 50% will eventually fall off themselves and the plants themselves will move nutes from the leaves into the bud if they again have been fed correctly and allowed to cycle into its flowering...
  16. cannofbliss


    drugs + illegal = increased violence drugs + freedom to use = increased peace
  17. cannofbliss

    The World Market

    mark my words... africa is the next "major land-grab resource"... and all the "superpowers" know this, and are working at ways to take the most advantage of it... and sadly they will eventually do whatever they want to do... to "clear out the undesirables"... i can only hope that good people...
  18. cannofbliss

    NBC's Bias Against George Zimmerman

    that was my point with the roadrunner being (UB) and that theres no point in wiley having to try and do all he can to argue... ;)
  19. cannofbliss

    NBC's Bias Against George Zimmerman

    sorry wiley... but there will never be enough acme products to catch this roadrunner^^^ ;)
  20. cannofbliss

    i like the "likes" and its 4:20 long so thought it would be appropriate... ;) you can fast forward to :42 sec mark for the chorus part... :weed: