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  1. crazytrain14

    Outdoor X4

    other signs to watch for, droopy leaves. thats the main sign. over time you will start to learn your plants and their needs just by looking at them. take a lil while.
  2. crazytrain14

    Outdoor X4

    yeah man those pots are like 1 gal maybe 3 gal. they would work great in there
  3. crazytrain14

    Crazytrain's Pc Case Perpetual Autos

    ill take a peek at your pots in a sec. on another note quick UPDATE blue himalaya diesel auto femm just got placed into the soil in the case. made it so there is now 2 26w 6500K. one is right over where the sprout will be. ill be watching temps, i may jsut move it to 2 13w or one 26 and 1...
  4. crazytrain14

    Oswalds Official Journal

    harvey gunna need some update pics STAT!
  5. crazytrain14

    Outdoor X4

    learn your plant and you will know over time. what plant is it. stick your finger in the soil 1-3 in. if its dry go ahead and water. i water mine every 2-3 days
  6. crazytrain14

    Crazytrain's Pc Case Perpetual Autos

    try and keep it in at least 2 liters of soil. need a lil somethin for the roots or room for the roots i mean. THIS WAS MY 2,000TH POST ON THIS SITE WOOOO HAHAH
  7. crazytrain14

    First Grow: Jet 47 - PC Grow Box

    awesome lookin buds I'm thinkin round 12ish grams?
  8. crazytrain14

    Crazytrain's Pc Case Perpetual Autos

    happy easter dude. do you have more seeds of pm to grow out? i can see a few hairs that seem to have been pollinated but not sure of it took to well. i really really wanna grow this strain out again. just something bout purple buds. the smell is real sweet on her. not strong though
  9. crazytrain14

    CFL Dresser Grow (stealth) - Auto Assassin, Auto Blue Himalaya

    i normally just water with strait distilled i ph it down after i add nutes. let it dry out and only water when they need it. you dont want to over water and hurt the roots while a seedling.
  10. crazytrain14

    CFL Dresser Grow (stealth) - Auto Assassin, Auto Blue Himalaya

    looking good. did you put a webcam or somthing in there to catch that?
  11. crazytrain14

    Well Here Goes Again

    right on dan lookin good. that was one crazy looking top cola from the downs plant.
  12. crazytrain14

    CFL Dresser Grow (stealth) - Auto Assassin, Auto Blue Himalaya

    put my bhd in the tupperware to germ. hopefully she'll pop today and be i soil by tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest. the current grow i have going is flash purple mazar and advanced lowgirl. both flowering in my perpetual auto grow link if you havent checked it out. peace bro
  13. crazytrain14

    Dj Ruiner and Stoner Princess Party Cup Perpetual Grow x2 +Rep For Stopping In

    looks like a big sling shot lol. she'll be happy in the new soil. few says for transplant shock to wear off and your golden. keep it up peace
  14. crazytrain14

    Crazytrain's Pc Case Perpetual Autos

    happy easter everyone
  15. crazytrain14

    Crazytrain's Pc Case Perpetual Autos

    thanks dude. yea that took about 20 min, one by one haha o well i was high so it wasnt to bad lol
  16. crazytrain14

    CFL Dresser Grow (stealth) - Auto Assassin, Auto Blue Himalaya

    right on man ill be putting my seed into the paper towell to germ then soil sometime tomorrow im sure. my grow is in my sig if you wanna check it out. its real long but ive got many autos harvested in it from start to finish later
  17. crazytrain14

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Grow

    interested to see how the blue diesel grow out. i am germing it right now. subd peace
  18. crazytrain14

    CFL Dresser Grow (stealth) - Auto Assassin, Auto Blue Himalaya

    hey man looking good cool set up. i am germing a blue himalaya diesel right now looking forward to watching it grow to compare to yours
  19. crazytrain14

    Outdoor X4

    lookin good. im subbd
  20. crazytrain14

    First Grow: Jet 47 - PC Grow Box

    no ill be building a stealth dresser with a 150 hps in it.