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  1. chow

    Are my plants growing slow for 15 days old

    This fella seems to be a bit on the touchy side,I did and have read the whole thread and can see no criticism here just help.I can understand the whole MH thing in a cfl thread,that gets to me also.But you have somebody who WAS trying to veg using 2700k,to me that is a basic schoolboy error,you...
  2. chow

    Are my plants growing slow for 15 days old

    first of all your using the wrong lights,second your using nutes and third there is no dark period.I have some plants that are 20 days from breaking the soil and are 5" with 4 true nodes,they are under a 250w 6500k cfl and 2 20w use 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower,im not being...
  3. chow

    Flavour curing.

    Cool,how did it work out for you??
  4. chow

    Flavour curing.

    yeah,oranges and lemons worked best.
  5. chow

    How you getting on with your girls(and boy)??

    How you getting on with your girls(and boy)??
  6. chow

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    I suppose it depends on how much longer you are gonna cure for?If you are gonna cure for another 2 weeks or more its worth doing.I have found that anything under 10days or so the buds wont adopt the scent,give it a try and let me know what you think.
  7. chow

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    go give it a try,you wont be dissapointed
  8. chow

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    Thanks man
  9. chow

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    Thanks man,give it a try.
  10. chow

    Help with vegging time

    looks like a boy to me man,sorry.
  11. chow

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    no probs,,its quite easy to do.
  12. chow

    Any of yall have kids?

    A boy and a girl,I only grow for personal use,plus I live in the UK so my kids arent getting taken from me.
  13. chow

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    Post away,any questions?? Feel free..
  14. chow

    Help with vegging time

    Thanks plaguedog.
  15. chow

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    For this I used a half oz of mj,one whole orange and half a lemon. Cure your mj in the normal way,but change your bag for a new one every 10 days or so. Im sure you will be happy with the end result. Have fun... Chow.
  16. chow

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    Now you want to susspend the bag in your curing jar making sure its not touching your weed.I like to leave a long string so I can close it in the jar. It sould look like this
  17. chow

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    Now you need a peice of cheese cloth cut into a square(or a pair of your girlfriend pantyhoes will do),You want to make a fruit tea bag,pack the peel in tightly and tie it with a peice of string.You can mix flavours or leave it all one flavour. It should look something like this.
  18. chow

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    Now you want to slice the peel into matchstick sized strips,once this is done you can then cut off the rest of the pith.This is quite bitter and has some moisture in it still.The idea is to be left with strips of dry peel,any moisture will spoil the cure and the end result. You should end up...
  19. chow

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    Nows your cance to get rid of as much of the "pith"(thats the white bit)It should pull out quite easily. You will then end up with something like this
  20. chow

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    Please dont post untill its finished,it makes for a better read in the long run,thanks. So I was asked by a couple of people to explain how I flavour cure.This is by no means a way of changing the flavour of your Mj,just a way of enhancing what flavour is already there.In this case I will be...