Wow, are you guys off on any advice.
Read this to learn how flushing to somehow make them taste better is Forum Myth.
The Truth About Flushing
Quit spreading Bullshit, and read from some veterans.
Yep cord rated over is always better, but your still only talking 3 t-8 @ even 100w so most even medium duty ext cords are 1200w range.
You want the plastic cover off, they block lumens.
Are those orange wires the ones for the bulb? If so No. What you need to do is wire the ext. cord to power...
Agent 47 is right on boondockpatriot. You need to pour over UB's threads to learn about the plant, NOT forum myths.
Agent 47, I agree on the BS of spoonfeeding Noobs, and banning UB, Bricktop, & Riddleme. There went near a century of veteran knowledge.
The cord says how far and watts. Same amount of power over a farther distance needs thicker wire, if that makes sense. Only one cord is needed for 2 t-8 bulbs. I can't see the wiring to explain.
If you are serious by that you should quit growing till you read a book on Botany. Hate on Miracle-gro all you want, but it is a decent plant food when you use as dose says.
Brest milk has NOT any NPK (tiny P) or the other significant amount of the micro elements.
It is for a t-8 not t-5. Different spacing for the ends and different ballasts. Yes It could be wired to a extension cord, but use a heavier one not a POS one.
It's in this one. I think you mean how it speeds up the cure from fermentation, no faster drying. Sooner to cured smoke though. In's half way into it if I remember right.
The Truth About Flushing
Opium Poppies can be grown, not legally. Takes a lot to refine into opium, even more to turn opium into heroin. They look pretty much the same as other poppies. I highly doubt any LEO would know to even tell.
On the seeds 'Happy Memorial' day. (know I'm late) Nice score, maybe a name in...
I answered the post honestly, before the jokes started, but I get what your saying guys. Creative solutions usually fail in Botany, unless you have serious knowledge of all the aspects of the limiting factors of horticulture.
Well I had a bit of a set back. We had flooding from hard rain here where it seeped into the basement Tuesday night. So we used a couple Shop Vacs so I dumped many gallons we sucked up. Carpet in sisters bedroom is fucked as is laundry room's. Part of why SS #4 was harvested Wend, tent was...
So I took SS #4-A down today. She went to 12/12 on 2-24. She had some white hairs still, but I needed the space. The s.m. were kept at bay, but some nanners showed.
I wish it was even more dense, with 1 400w CMH I'm happy.
Well she started drowning and on the second day the Main cola got too heavy and bent over fully. So I added a wire for support and waited another day. And the third day it started doing a 'gansta' lean, and just kept a lean'n. So I harvested her. I would have waited a few days so the cure got...
You are fine with that timer. Inductive load is the important thing to check. Is the Cfl 125w or comparable to 125w but really more like 23w?
You are way under the watt and amp limits.
Really? Gatorade? No that is not a good plant food. What's the NPK in it? Any of the other 16 elements needed to grow a plant? Just cause it is good for someone who just did a work out doesn't have anything to do with Botany.
Me too.
Yea it was fun for most of the First plant, never again.
Me too. That's my style.
That's a cute dog. Name?
Glad I made it before it's closed. I didn't even use any excessive smilies.
Sorry to hear she is having a hard time. I agree Indicas are known to be better for MS. As you say it will be trial and I wouldn't say 'error', just a kind soul looking to help.:joint: Good for you.
Have you looked into making a Green Dragon tincture? A friend of mine makes it for his wife...