Okay, from that chart i'm probably good, i put her out three days after finding out sex and i'm getting 13:30 of daylight, so I think shes going back into veg.. She seems to be growing fine..
The onle thing different about 12/12 from seed is you dont have much time to LST, so whenever i do 12/12 from seed you usually see single cola plants in my grows..
Someone usually posts it when you ask, but i'm looking for the website that generates the daylight hours and minutes for your area over the whole year.. I know someone will post it.. I just wanna see if i put my plant out too soon, or if it will flower a lil more then go back to veg soon.. Help...
I prefer xanax over kpinz, and both over valium.. I never get anything good from valium and i have to hear about passing out against a wall or breaking a plastic chair the next day..
I have a few of their products, like pure blend pro grow and pro bloom, and it says they are organic... Are they really organic? I know it says so on the label, but companies could easily lie about that.. what do you think? what do you KNOW?
...but the new ABG morphines SUCK.. Crush proof, they just flatten.. gels up when you try to snort it or bang it.. i aint got much to say about it.. I'm an avid snorter of any opiates, except tabs or percs.. and they are doing this with most non-tylenol containing opiate pills.. a while back...