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  1. Mountainfarmer

    1000 watt hps to much?

    The cost of your lights depends on your electrical cost. How much do you pay for a kilowatt of electricity? Average cost is about .10 cents/kilowatt. If you are in the average range a 1000 watt light @ 18hours/day will run you $60/month.
  2. Mountainfarmer

    MH and HPS bulbs does more $$ = more bud?
  3. Mountainfarmer

    MH and HPS bulbs does more $$ = more bud?

    WOW, thats expensive. Thats for a 400 watt? The hydro shop in the area sells 1000 watt hortilux bulbs for $119.99, I get'em online for $69.99. If you buy the case they are $64.99/bulb.
  4. Mountainfarmer

    would tent stop choppers flying over picking up heat

    Pottery kilns, cloth dryers, endless/instant waters heaters, ect, ect all create tremendous amounts of heat that needs to be exhausted from a home. If law enforcement used flir to scan neighborhoods for heat signatures then everybody would be getting a visit from LE. Just keep your mouth shut...
  5. Mountainfarmer

    would tent stop choppers flying over picking up heat

    LEO doesn't just fly around and look for heat signatures. They use FLIR to get a warrant when they already have info on you and need to convince the judge to write a search warrant. If you are quiet about your grow you are G2G.
  6. Mountainfarmer

    Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

    Brother, that might as well been in Chinese.
  7. Mountainfarmer

    Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

    How many syringes will I need to do the bulk mono tek? Also, how can I make more spores from the syringes I buy? While u were making the tea I thought that u were making spores (fucking NOOB)
  8. Mountainfarmer

    Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

    so it doesn't matter if I get spores from china or cambodia or thai, ecuador, golden teacher, ect,ect,ect.
  9. Mountainfarmer

    Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

    Can you explain needing an extra syringe thing again,filtered injection? I understand that when using a vacuum sealed vessel, you must put in (air) what you take out (liquid). I just ain't getting that part. Also, does it matter what kind of syringe I buy? There are all kinds from all over...
  10. Mountainfarmer

    Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

    Dude this is a sweet thread and very informative, but i've never done this before and neither have a lot of other people. Could you define some of these acronyms? Like LC for an example. I believe TEK means technique? I haven't been able to figure out some though. I apologize for my...
  11. Mountainfarmer

    Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

    I've been reading along and this is obviously some advanced shroom growing. I got the cannabis down now I would like to try this. Could someone post a link to a informative tutorial detailing a smaller grow? I read about this before and I think the guy was using a pressure cooker. A good...
  12. Mountainfarmer

    My Nutrient Set-up

    I think its so funny when these young in's pay out the fucking nose for shit I pay pennies for. I go into these rip-off hydro shops and all the nute/booster containers have pixtures of fucking bananas, strawberry, pineapples and the like. Fucking incredible! I don't know weather to drink this...
  13. Mountainfarmer

    Best cost effective nutes for the money?

    If you don't mind going with synthetics try jack's classic. It use to be called Peters. I was using fox farm but recently switched to Age Old Organics cause of the price of FF. AOO is about $10 cheaper/gallon for the grow and bloom. But the real savings come in on buying AOO kelp compared to...
  14. Mountainfarmer

    need help finding green led light for use during flowering stage

    I use a green flouresent from lowes, like $7 Been using for 2 years and never had a hermie or any other noticeable problem. GL
  15. Mountainfarmer

    feeding tangerine dream tangerines

    This thread fails to educate.
  16. Mountainfarmer

    Best organic nutrients for vegging and flowering? +rep

    what does everyone think about age old organics? I just recently switched to it, seems to be doing it's job. Before aoo i used ff.
  17. Mountainfarmer

    Cold Nights and Heating

    Man I hate those arc fault breakers. They are code for bedrooms where I live, but they are just too sensitive and trip at the slightest disturbance in the line. Plus they cost a fortune compared to standard breakers.
  18. Mountainfarmer

    Cold Nights and Heating

    If your an electrician you should know better. You are billed at kilowatt/hr, it doesn't matter if it's 110 at 10 amps or 220 at 5 amps, you will use 1100 watts in the end. Here's a link spelling it out in detail. http://
  19. Mountainfarmer

    Is it worth buying an expensive light bulb??

    i'm talking 1000 watters