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  1. Humple

    Cheap Chinese LED companies - the Good, the Bad and the Royal Ripoffs

    So is it your position that only someone who has purchased a product should question the quality of that product?
  2. Humple

    Cheap Chinese LED companies - the Good, the Bad and the Royal Ripoffs

    For some reason unfathomable to me, some customers of the Alibaba vendors take quite personally any suspicion or incredulity regarding the veracity of these companies' claims. I happen to think disclosure is a plus, and is something that everyone should support. But I guess that makes me an asshole?
  3. Humple

    What would you recommend to replace a 1000w HPS in a 4x4 tent?

    But you said you're only pulling one pound per light? How can you outgrow someone who pulls much more weight than you? And when are you going to post some pics of your grow so we can all be amazed?
  4. Humple

    Deficiency using COCO + Led Strips??

    What did you find to be the key mitigating factor(s) (nutrient-wise) in adapting to the low temps (low in LED-world, that is)?
  5. Humple

    Welcome To The White House 2018 - Dinafem: Gorilla - Cabinet Grow

    I was asking about the plants he already pulled.
  6. Humple

    260 Watt Quantum Board LED Kit V2 Thoughts?

    Some of the 260 kits can hit actually hit 280+ watts, and at that power level, you'd be right at the lower threshold of what's recommended for your square footage. If you do go with the 260, I'd suggest the XW kit, for better spread in a square tent.
  7. Humple

    Worth it ? Fluence spyder x plus
  8. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    How does the growth differ from row to row? And do you notice any difference under the QBs with the reflectors?
  9. Humple

    What would you recommend to replace a 1000w HPS in a 4x4 tent?

    Show us pics of your amazing HPS grow! And tell us what light-wattage you're using, and what your last yield was!
  10. Humple

    Did I receive a "fake" Samsung board? Do they always damage this easy

    Did the seller disclose that one of the boards did not use LM301B? If not, I'd say the whole order is suspect and you shouldn't trust a thing they tell you.
  11. Humple

    Did I receive a "fake" Samsung board? Do they always damage this easy

    I definitely understand why some peeps take the leap, and I know it pays off sometimes, but when I see shit like this, I'm happy I stick with HLG. Best of luck to OP on getting a refund!
  12. Humple

    Commercial QB Setup

    So this patented spectrum thing... To my layman's mind this reeks of bullshit. But do any of our veteran tech-heads have an opinion on it? I'm seeing that listed as a selling point on more and more fixtures. And there are more and more LED grow light companies popping up on the radar every damn...
  13. Humple

    Did I receive a "fake" Samsung board? Do they always damage this easy

    Do everyone a solid and tell us the name of the seller?
  14. Humple

    Did I receive a "fake" Samsung board? Do they always damage this easy

    The diodes in the first pic are definitely not LM301B. As for the others, I'm not sure.
  15. Humple

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Notice any difference from the addition of the QB11s?
  16. Humple

    Commercial QB Setup

    Curious what the average PPFD is for a $60k/1,000 square foot setup. Or do they just want customers to depend on their patented spectra? Based on some of the comments about them, it sounds like they aren't pushing efficiency as a selling point?
  17. Humple

    Lukios Secret Garden pt II

    How do you feel about concentrates, bro? In comparison to flower, I mean. I just haven't really got into it myself. Could be my imagination, but I feel like the effect from flower has more legs - less intensity, for sure, but it seems like concentrates wear off too quickly.
  18. Humple

    Lukios Secret Garden pt II

    Really looking forward to seeing how they compare once you've added the red to the QB tents!