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  1. I

    Guys I have no loupe how do I know when to flush

    It’s white widow from cuttings in coco done with remo nutes thanks man I’ve had a lot of nightmares along the road just don’t want to ruin them there in week 7 flowering now but I guess they were stunted so il just keep feeding for now
  2. I

    Can anyone check these trichs for me

    Mate I have no clue what I’m even looking for first grow fell out with the guy that new everything
  3. I

    Can anyone check these trichs for me

    Sorry been downloading these magnifying apps il try get better ones
  4. I

    Can anyone check these trichs for me

    Help a brother out please folks don’t know when to flush
  5. I

    Guys I have no loupe how do I know when to flush

    Any help greatly appreciated
  6. I

    How are they looking

    So do you think they stand a chance of getting me stoned lol
  7. I

    How are they looking

    There was 10 I kept 5
  8. I

    How are they looking

    Yeah I had wars and lost the filter but sorted the airflow they are looking better Now
  9. I

    How are they looking

    My first grow I fell out with guy so lost filter and shit just winged it off google here and YouTube praying to all the gods lol
  10. I

    How are they looking

    White widow done in coco with remo nutes from cuttings just praying they turn out ok
  11. I

    How are they looking

    Are my babies looking ok had a few nightmares along the road
  12. I

    Have they turned Hermie

    Thanks bro
  13. I

    Have they turned Hermie

    First grow don’t know if it’s a swollen Calyx or Hermie 5 1/2 weeks into flower
  14. I

    Advice on my baby’s

    Yeah had major fall outs I’ve been keeping the tent open and opening the doors to get better air I’ve got a fan coming tomorrow for the room as well and nothing to heart mate just need some help till the end all advice is taken gratefully
  15. I

    Advice on my baby’s

    I posted better pics
  16. I

    Advice on my baby’s

    No it got took away
  17. I

    Advice on my baby’s

    They’ve been getting only the flowering nutrients for 4 weeks fri passed it still says to give micro will I stop adding this I’ve raised the lights as far as they will go and il put up pics when I turn them off
  18. I

    Advice on my baby’s

    Hey il put the lights up as far as they go and point the fan up they just got fed as I took the pics il get some more when I turn them off should I just give them water next feed
  19. I

    Advice on my baby’s

    So should I cut back