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  1. cannofbliss

    cannabutter help

    well to each there own... but imo it is best to use a double boiler, that way you NEVER can reach temps to burn out all of the thc and in using this method you can make some seriously potent butter... just try it and you wont be disappointed... ;)
  2. cannofbliss

    God and Science.

    saw this one coming a mile away... it always ends in threats... just ridiculous... kinda like the vid i posted a while back on creationists first time on the internet... oh well its quite sad when people see it as a "personal attack" when it is nothing of the sort...:roll:
  3. cannofbliss

    i have chrones disease.. whats the best medicinal weed out there,, ?

    sorry to hear... i would suggest heavily sided indica crosses for the pain doesnt really matter which strain as long as it takes care of the pain... you could go with any northern light cross or even if you prefer for the mornings so you dont put yourself in a sleepy daze all morning you can...
  4. cannofbliss

    whats up with them? plz, some words of wiseness

    dont repot them, they look fine, actually quite good... you look like you have proper bud growth and everything... with smaller pots you'll just have to water more often as the root mass will engulf the entire pot and just means you'll have to water more often, but no harm done... ;) if...
  5. cannofbliss

    ok, that god damned fungus is back...

    ahhh... yes... good one... dbkick ;) yes hydroton will def leave a brownish/reddish gunk... i didnt even think about it, cause he said it was fungus and it "came back"... and if there hasnt been any damage to your plants... then this is probably most likely it... keep an eye on it, but yeah...
  6. cannofbliss

    God and Science.

    and lastly sorry to be such a dick about it, but sometimes its necessary... and the real dick is religion as an allusion to the original saying religion is like a penis... goes... ;) heres another take on it... it's fine to have one... its fine to talk about it... but please don't go around...
  7. cannofbliss

    God and Science.

    its simple we all started out as light seeking bacteria... then it translates to hmmm... light good, dark bad... i mean just look at the fucking titles for fuck sake ;) just a simple example of how culture and societies have developed their superstitions and incorporated it into our very...
  8. cannofbliss

    God and Science.

    again all of these arguments that the OP stated have ALL BEEN proved useless and all have been disproven as having any weight... look... there is no "design" to the universe... so stop it already religious and or superstitious fanatics... there is NO OTHER WAY the universe could have panned...
  9. cannofbliss

    Midwest riu women you need to read this warning!!

    lol funny... ;)
  10. cannofbliss

    Midwest riu women you need to read this warning!!

    well to put a clear perspective on this... the only way it can be properly identified as "serial" is if there are SEVERAL factors involving the ways in which the crime had been committed... has there been a common and identical dna code found on all of these bodies, or the has the method in...
  11. cannofbliss

    Wilting/shriveling leaves.

    it just slows it down... you can get away with up to 95 without too much issue... especially not a problem with certain landrace equatorial strains, but anything above 100 without a break in the heat during its nighttime period... then your looking at some major issues... in the vegetative...
  12. cannofbliss

    Male or Female??

    always wait to see pronounced pods or pistils... it will become very apparent whether it is male or female, if your patient about it... ;) you can tell if little white hairs come out of them or not... just be patient and like the other poster said just incase... start some more beans... that...
  13. cannofbliss

    ok, that god damned fungus is back...

    rinse your roots off with a peroxide solution with a spray bottle at 2 capfulls for a 20 ounce bottle... then take your plants aside and let them soak in another tub, figure out best way to suspend them in place where they will soak for a bit in just plain pH'd water say 5.6-whatever they were...
  14. cannofbliss

    Please help week 4 veg - expert help much appreciated

    other than they are a little bit thirsty... they look absolutely fantastic... very good genetics btw... which hybrids did you choose btw??? ;) when using airpots your soil will dry out faster, regardless of the "patented" shape of the outer cones or holes... for the "exhaust" you need to have...
  15. cannofbliss

    Do Not Talk to the Police

    like it or not... this is the way to deal with any encounter with the policy enforcement officers... 1.) Do not have a name... AND WHEN THEY TELL YOU THAT "YOU ARE UNDER ARREST" YOU REPLY NO I AM NOT UNDER ARREST" regardless of how "stupid" this may sound like (nuhh uhh no im not lol ) BUT...
  16. cannofbliss

    Help please 3 males in with 7 females

    you may or may not be allergic to the pollen, but it is highly doubted... most likely it was the fine little "spear-like" hairs on the leaves that can itch or scratch the surface of your skin if you handle them alot... take a look at the leaves with a 30x or more scope and you'll see what im...
  17. cannofbliss

    All My Pictures!!!

    to lime73... your girls always look sexy... :weed:
  18. cannofbliss

    Is this worthy of this forum????

    if you havent already... you might want to also put it in the medical grow op for your state... as there quite a few peeps who are from your state...
  19. cannofbliss

    Is this worthy of this forum????

    sure it is silly... so is a window sill plant too... as i have seen a many posted here on RIU... ;) if no one is commenting or posting it is because it is like 3 am for alot of peeps or like early morning and such... looks like a decent set up, u should do well... enjoy the grow... ;)
  20. cannofbliss

    Is it too early to start flowering?

    check out the 12/12 from seed thread, and no its never too early to flower, providing you give it the necessary amount of light to give you any useful flowers as many have said b4... in this case though you might want to get your plant back up to par first otherwise you will only have about 3-5...