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  1. H


    Ordered a gram of this novel cannabinoid, there is some concern with the single fluorine atom. The biggest thing that worried me was this speculation, "Also alkylating ones receptors in this manner would result in a covalently bonded receptor-ligand complex, I.E irreversible activation of CB1 at...
  2. H

    Where to buy salvia?

    Shepj, I hope you understand I was not in the best mind state earlier. Definitely was not thinking logically, or sensibly. Thanks for slapping me back to reality.
  3. H

    Methylone 2c-i mix...

    2cp... Is what I am hoping it is. (very relaxing trip at lower dosages, which as dose curve reaches the middle dosages it becomes a lot more visual and is usually very similar to 2ce or is likened to "2ce on steroids". Beyond that it gets a little crazy and havent seen many good trip reports at...
  4. H

    Where to buy salvia?

    This shit really is funny.. All these people whining and bitching about how its illegal in their state. HAVE YOU GUYS NEVER BOUGHT MARIJUANA SEEDS?! I hope you guys know that I just ordered from ktbotanicals (the cheapest place I have seen for salvia) yesterday and my order has been shipped today.
  5. H

    NBOMe-Mescaline This scale has already been purchased (a few seconds ago)
  6. H


    Okay guys, I know phenethylamine derivatives might be way above most of your guys heads, but this shit is driving me insane. I am getting it right this second. Will not test it (perhaps, starting at .1mg?) All I know is NBOMe-2ci, which is the N-benzyl derivative of 2C-I, which is active at a...
  7. H

    Methylone 2c-i mix...

    Never had great trials with 2ce, but then again it was very few trials. I have just recently received 500mg of 2ce, will be testing a relatively high dose (my last time I tried it, 30mg orally didn't get me anywhere and couldn't even tell I was tripping until I hit some jwh and then everything...
  8. H

    DMX first time.

    After you took all this time to write this long post to show me how much you cared about what I said to you, it also shows me your ignorance. You only wish to explore or even contemplate one side of the coin. When you do this, you get exactly what you do, one side of the coin. You can argue and...
  9. H

    DMX first time.

    DXM isn't for everybody. It's actually for very few, it doesn't just take you to places, you actually have to work for the trip. It seems you probably have a CYP2D6 enzyme deficiency, which causes a prolonged and intensified trip along with almost all of the DXM not converting to DXO. If this is...
  10. H

    DMX first time.

    You tripped off a 3oz delsym?! I guess.. You could if you tolerance was nil. It's just the dose response curve is in such a way that you usually feel nothing at about equal to 300mg DXM HBR or less, maybe second plateau if your natural tolerance is that low.. Which is about equivalent to what...
  11. H

    DMX first time.

    You are extremely ignorant. There are extreme positives from exploring all the synthetics, along with all the natural drugs. I can see you are lacking one right now, (OPEN MINDEDNESS!)
  12. H

    I Just Bought Mephedrone

    Methylone causes too much overbearing stimulation even after most of the effects have diminished. I find it impossible to go to sleep hours after dosing, no such problem with mephedrone (even after compulsive redosing), sleep was almost no problem, and slept like a baby if I remember correctly...
  13. H

    is milking my toad considered "humane". doest seem to hurt it. like milking a cow?

    I have 100's of these things right outside my house. They all come out after midnight, and then there hundreds upon hundreds of them! They took over the frog population down here in South Florida, and don't worry about all these people being weirdos. What you are doing is completely humane, and...
  14. H

    Lets all come together and request special RC's to our vendors.....ITS A MOVEMENT

    All these compounds that make you "roll", seem A LOT more neurotoxic than any of the chemicals that make you "trip". Imagine when we get into opiate analogs.. It's only a matter of time.. Closest thing I've ever seen to that is the metabolite of tramadol.. o-desmethyltramadol, which is not very...
  15. H

    I Just Bought Mephedrone

    FUCK, I didn't even know.. WHAT THE FUCK.. I guess it really is going to become THAT much more expensive. Thank god I know a couple US suppliers. EDIT: Actually.. I just noticed one of my US suppliers is selling it for 10/g. If you buy 5g or more. That is a damn good price, especially in the...
  16. H

    Lets all come together and request special RC's to our vendors.....ITS A MOVEMENT

    IMO it's all hype, like n1. Research chemical vendors, only trust the super legit ones and I've been fucked on amount by even them..
  17. H

    Well this was stupid.

    A member on this board?!!?! If so, that would be fucked up.
  18. H

    Does taking acid or shrooms make weed seem boring

    Harder in terms of what? Intensity? Then yes I agree with you. But if you are referring to weed as a soft drug and shrooms and acid as even a moderately hard drug in terms of safety and risk of OD then you are completely wrong.
  19. H

    You never responded to my latest PM to you?? (from a couple days)

    You never responded to my latest PM to you?? (from a couple days)
  20. H

    everytime i trip mushrooms my right eye wont stop watering the whole time

    I just meant the 2ce my rat's had which I am convinced of its purity tasted like the most bitter thing my rat has ever laid its tongue on. UGHHH