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  1. beachgreens

    The eye in the sky, can they see me?

    Your the least of their worries...LOL 250 irun over 2000 watts in elec...i think your straight...been growin like that since 2005. Take precautions and cover the windows...but dont overthink it. You'll drive yourself nuts...hahaha ya im with NLX keep your mouth shut. Especially with locals. One...
  2. beachgreens

    Need Help Pruning....

    ill be sure to check it out thanks for the help!!!
  3. beachgreens

    Need Help Pruning....

    I actually found that guide and got a little confused. After he topped them were they thrown straight into flower to keep them smaller in width?? How long did they veg???
  4. beachgreens

    Need Help Pruning....

    Rzza im kinda lost...isnt each node end up becoming one cola?? ie 4 nodes = 4 colas???..
  5. beachgreens

    Need Help Pruning....

    trust me larger pots wont help for my situ..i have more than enough soil space for a 9 week old plant.ever since i switched to soiless they have grow a little too well..not a problem but kinda rushed me outta space. I guess i'll try flowering after two days in veg instead of
  6. beachgreens

    Need Help Pruning....

    no i havent yet harvested this batch. Im trying to perfect a perpetual harvest to ensure a constant flow. but as big as the girls are now i can only fit 6 in there comfortably..but yet i can fit 16 1.75 gal pots in my tent...plenty of room for more ladies
  7. beachgreens

    Need Help Pruning....

    think i should top at the 4th node to make 4 colas??
  8. beachgreens

    Need Help Pruning....

    i have been flowering after about one week of veg and they were about12in tall. now they are 2 feet and about the same in width heres a pic
  9. beachgreens

    Need Help Pruning....

    Ya i hear what your sayin but im practicing a perpetual harvest. my goal is 1 ounce per this a gray area based on strain..cause with my experience it hasnt varied by strain it has varied by length of time but also heard that you can harvest 1 oz per plant in a 9 week life cycle not...
  10. beachgreens

    Need Help Pruning....

    Well as far as ventilation i have too much positive pressure. I have a small tent 2,7 2'7 5;11. Im using a 4 in inline for exhaust and another for intake this is a must with tents period for me. The best investment ive made. The tent literally blows outward. I am also using a filter inside the...
  11. beachgreens

    peat v,s rockwall

    I usually soak the rockwool in 5.5 r/o water overnight then re soak them in another fresh 5.5. shake off some excess water so they arent waterlogged,dip,stick and put em under the dome for 7-10 days misting them once a day. So far with this method i have had 100% no joke. I still have yet to...
  12. beachgreens

    Need Help Pruning....

    I am currently growning in a tent and would like to figure out how to maximize my amount per plant and save growing in a tent and using 1.75 gal pots. I have been throwing them into flower around 10-12 in but they still seem to become more wide and take up too much damn space. I...
  13. beachgreens

    Seafuel Bloom????????

    ya im gonna give it a try see if theres any improvements.
  14. beachgreens

    When and what size container?? please help

    I use the same size pots and have no problems. They may just need more frequent watering later in bloom. I transplant my clones into 5in round pots and then transplant again into the 1.75's about a week after veggin
  15. beachgreens

    Seafuel Bloom????????

    I am currently using Botanicare products Pro grow, Pro Bloom , karma,cal-mag. I want to add some deuce deuce to increase my k and i also have a bottle of sea fuel that i would like to use to add in some micros since the botanicare stuff is lacking a few not too sure about this stuff...
  16. beachgreens

    PH Pen PPM?

    i got the hannah phep..pos. But i think im gonna bite the bullet n go 4 a bluelab. Heard alot about em so what heck
  17. beachgreens

    Yellow,yellow,yellow wtf!!!!

    Thanks for the help. Nitro def it was and a little low on the cal-mag too.
  18. beachgreens

    Yellow,yellow,yellow wtf!!!!

    It is now day 4 that I have been using Botanicare nutes and going by the back of the bottles. I think I had a slight nitro def. but since their feeding changed the yellowing has started to clear up. Here is what they look like this morning.
  19. beachgreens

    PH Pen PPM?

    ya know waggs i tried the one off ebay..after i got it the tissue fell out of it and also i could never get an accurate reading..the ph was always different every testing. could never figure out how to properly store it either...whats even more ironic is my local hydro store couldnt really tell...