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  1. Polecat

    Bump If You're Baked!

    :joint:bump:joint: :peace: out
  2. Polecat

    question on planting in pots and transplanting to outside

    I just plant the seeds then water. If the seed is good it will grow. Pre germing is just something else I can do to F it up. I plant mine thumbnail deep then water then cover the seed with soil. Simple easy and It works 95% of the time. The other 5% was bad seed.
  3. Polecat

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    auto maria seems to me just to be another name for lowryder 2. Its crossed with santa maria too I think.
  4. Polecat

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I was wondering that too. I saw it on speedy's web site. Looked on a couple others but didn't have the yield posted. I got 3 free from speedy and if they produce 350 then they should have already been in the ground. If a auto could produce 350g in acouple months that would be huge news. Just...
  5. Polecat

    $1,400 an ounce

    A fool and his money are soon parted.
  6. Polecat

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    Cigarettes and weed are totally def.. I can grow my own tobbaco but it would taste like shit if I rolled it up. Like tomatoes I can buy comm. grown that have no taste or locally grown that are wonderful but more expensive. 20- 30 dollars a gram for mj ,come on, you have to agree that for the...
  7. Polecat

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    I am always looking for the best weed when I buy it. If the comm. weed is not that good any pot smoker would know it and seek out local buds grown by someone like you. I know I would. just like my produce and meat. The price would def. go down do to the free market. no reason to be scared of...
  8. Polecat

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    Growing, breeding, or selling pot does not take a college ed.. A piece of paper saying you know how to do it has to be worth about fifty cent. Anybody that grows pot and would be hiring somebody to work his farm. does not need a college educated man. He needs a man with a strong back and don't...
  9. Polecat


    I recieved order 100000671 yesterday. I believe I ordered it on the 15th. placed order 1000000799 yesterday. your the man speedy. keep up the good work.
  10. Polecat

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    I thought for years I was paying the high prices because of the risk involved not for the mj itself. I thought the prices wouldgo down when mmj bill passed. shows howmuch I know.
  11. Polecat

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    Not at all. The guy that started this post is hiding behind the facade of sick people and profiting from it. I got great friends that are dealers . They complain about the prices too. I could careless about the market I quit dealing years ago.
  12. Polecat

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    don'thate me for my opion. Sorry for the name calling you got me fired up. Thank you I am a good guy and my not be the smartest apple. But I am not dumb. I'm down for the cause growers, dealers, med. users, stoners. MJ should be legal for everyone to enjoy. Legal or not I will be growing mine...
  13. Polecat

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    I can afford it. But what about the people that can't and really need it. F them. Right
  14. Polecat

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    I agree this dude is a greedy self serving piece of shit.
  15. Polecat

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    Ifyou want to college too learn to grow pot. Go to a real college and take botany.
  16. Polecat

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    If your growing the best weed in the world WTF are you worried about. Do you pay Taxes on your income deadbeat. one half of the nation is working to pay for the other half. Do you recieve goverment assistance?Its illeagal to subsidize that. What medical patient don't want thier meds to be...
  17. Polecat

    Im a little worried about ordering seeds!!

    i have nothing agaist nirvana. I just wouldn't get the short rider from there. they might reship 2 i don't know for sure
  18. Polecat

    Im a little worried about ordering seeds!!

    dude I went with speedy. on day 15 i got in touch with speedy on this site. he tod me if I hadn't got my order on day 17 he would reship. If customs take your nirvana seeds, From what I read you are f'd. Go with speedy give him a few weeks and you will get your seeds. If not he says he will...
  19. Polecat

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    sounds like you got line noise. I am assuming one 120v circiut is feeding both. Trying to clear that up might be a bitch. It could be anything in the house causing it. But is most likely your ballast. If moving the tds away from the light say 3 or 4 feet does not clear it up then it is line...
  20. Polecat

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Don't let the light touch the box. If you can touch the light it probaly won't set nothing on fire. what do you fish for. Just bass