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  1. Mountainfarmer

    Is this a beneficial bug or not?

    Thanks for the quick reply.
  2. Mountainfarmer

    Is this a beneficial bug or not?

    thanks man. i like that answer.
  3. Mountainfarmer

    Grandmas Molasses??

    it feeds beneficial micros in the soil.
  4. Mountainfarmer

    Where do "regs" come from?

    straight outta mexico
  5. Mountainfarmer

    Is this a beneficial bug or not?

    I have seen several of these bugs while picking bud worms of my plant. Does anyone know what it is? Is it a beneficial?
  6. Mountainfarmer

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    here it is chowing down!!!
  7. Mountainfarmer

    Anyone seen a worm like this before?

    Those worms require immediate action. right now they are eating your buds and foliage and shitting all over your plant, more specifically shitting IN your buds. Soon so much insect fecal matter will start rotting your bud and cause mold issues. Do what Awill said and read the bud worm thread...
  8. Mountainfarmer

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    This past monday I went out to my patch and noticed that one of my plants was not looking to hot. Upon further inspection I noticed that the plants had bud worms. After the initial panic I went down to my local hydro store and bought some BT. $25.00/8 o.z. bottle. Fucking rip off. I just...
  9. Mountainfarmer

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I have no idea about spinosad. I have heard some here say that is what they use. GL
  10. Mountainfarmer

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Is that 2 tablespoons or two teaspoons? The bottle says 1-2 teaspoons. Just wanted to clear that up before someone smokes their plants.
  11. Mountainfarmer

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    lmfao...this is too funny
  12. Mountainfarmer

    nutrient burn? i have pictures! please someone help me

    forget about ph buffers outdoors. indoors too if your in soil.
  13. Mountainfarmer

    nutrient burn? i have pictures! please someone help me

    My buddies plants get 10 gallons of water / week. First five gallons of fresh well water then five gallons of fox farms trio w/ solubles. he used promix for soil. The native soil is clay, which I believe is acidic, and he DOES NOT PH. His plants are doing awesome. I think your plants are...
  14. Mountainfarmer

    when to shake plants?

    that"s funny
  15. Mountainfarmer

    Late outdoor grow 2010 sacramento w/ pics and video

    No that is not L.A. Confidential. LA has enormous fan leaves and the foliage is soooo thick it ridonkculus.
  16. Mountainfarmer

    please check this out....

    if you had this under cfl's inside and then brought it outside into direct sunlight it is probably suffering from shock. Plants need to be hardened off slowly. I like to put mine in full shade for a day or two. Then into an area where it gets spotty sun, like under a trees canopy. Then full...
  17. Mountainfarmer

    Deformed leaves, stunted growth... Anyone recognize these symptoms?

    don't worry! Sometimes clones will go through a weird growth stage. Its from being stressed. This will happen to if you change the light schedule. Not always but sometimes. Give a week or two and normal growth will emerge.
  18. Mountainfarmer

    Central HVAC vs. mini-split vs. portable AC

    Yes $560 /month is outrageous. Each 1000 watt HID costs $40/month give or take $10, depending on your kilowatt cost. So your paying roughly $400 to cool your room/month. Very, very high. I live in a 4000sq ft. house and I cooled for $166 last month. I too live in the south east. Its 100...
  19. Mountainfarmer

    Organic soil probs (pics) need help

    This is the problem with super soils. You add all these ingredients to a soil and then some time down the road there is a problem and it becomes difficult to diagnose cause you do not know what remains in the soil. This is especially true for young seedlings and cuttings. IMO the best way for...
  20. Mountainfarmer

    Organic soil probs (pics) need help

    also, forget about potassium