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  1. NP88

    So I'm Watching Drugged On X

    My roommate from last year was on medication that intensified alcohol, and while he was on it and drinking, he would do the dumbest, most annoying shit ever! He would always spill his beer on my floor, and he would loose his balance, and fall into my flat screen or my guitars. Luckily, he never...
  2. NP88

    Anyone else experiene a recent, strange desire for a Subway?

    I absolutely do not have the will power to fast. I get hungry every 3-6 hours, which is usually when I eat. I start to not feel well if my blood sugar gets too low. When I first got into smoking daily, I would get fast food 1-2 times per night! And I would always get a double burger or some...
  3. NP88

    So I'm Watching Drugged On X

    Imagine if at a sporting event, instead of alcohol, you purchase MDMA... baseball wouldn't be so boring any more!
  4. NP88

    So I'm Watching Drugged On X

    Ok, well rollers can be annoying too! I was chewing on straws at a club, and kept poking people in the head accidentally with the straw that I had in my mouth. This was around 330-430, so most of the drunks had gone home by that time.
  5. NP88

    So I'm Watching Drugged On X

    When sober, Rolling people are not annoying Tripping people are not annoying Stoned people are not annoying.... Drunk people are annoying as hell!!!!
  6. NP88

    So I'm Watching Drugged On X

    This^^^ It makes me want to dance a bit when I'm not at a rave. But the last time I went to a rave, 200mg of molly had my eyes rolling back, and I felt like i could fall asleep on the dance floor. I never experienced this with the few times I took pressed rolls.
  7. NP88

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    I have to test the water with my toe before I dive in head first! I could tell at the 5 minute mark that this experience would be no where near as intense as my first mxe experience, which was a 35mg bump, if i recall correctly. I definitely lost a tremendous amount of finger dexterity,but not...
  8. NP88

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    Never had D... I really didn't feel all that much when I compare this experience to some of my mxe experiences. I felt impaired, but only after I smoked that bowl did I truly feel "fucked up" Where as on mxe, i felt fucked up off of the tiniest dose. K is a lot cleaner. I don't feel anything...
  9. NP88

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    My log from my trip: Immediately after snorting the first line, my nose felt a bit different... Slightly numb, and a bit cold. 15 minutes afterwards, I feel a bit light headed, but nothing else really, so I snort the remaining line! My thoughts are a bit slow, and I feel impaired. I am...
  10. NP88


    I've been enjoying kratom a lot lately, perhaps too often.
  11. NP88

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    ~40mg up the nose! got 20mg lined up incase I want more.... It was very gentle on the nose, I have to say. Edit: There goes the rest of it! I'll keep a log and post it when I'm finished. I have a feeling I may need more than 60mg to get the desired effects Hmmm to re dose or not to redose.... :)
  12. NP88

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    That's what I assumed, but I took some mxe, smoked, and drank a beer one night, and I was pretty out of it in the morning. I was still feeling the numbness from the mxe!
  13. NP88

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    I have class from 10-830 tomorrow, so I'm worried that I might be hungover. Thoughts?
  14. NP88

    Anatomy Of A K-Hole

    Looks like I might get lucky and have my first true K experience this evening!
  15. NP88

    What Is The Best Time Of Day To Start A Trip?

    At a festival, I found it best to dose so that you start to come up when the sun is setting. I'm not sure if it was purely the come up, but the mood definitely seemed to change at sunset. The freaks come out at night! And I mean that in a good way...
  16. NP88

    Lucy Shroom Trip? Pointless?

    ^^ Never knew that! That gives me something to research, meaning something to distract me from my actual studies!!!
  17. NP88

    What Is The Best Time Of Day To Start A Trip?

    I love to sit in a hallway or stairway and use it! I actually forgot to bring it when we went exploring the woods :(
  18. NP88

    What Is The Best Time Of Day To Start A Trip?

    That's the one I have! If you twist it and rotate your wrist, doing both as quickly as possible, it looks fucking insane! I killed two pairs of batteries using it that night :) My one friend would give us light shows, and someone would shine that lens on his white shirt. T'was entertaining...
  19. NP88

    What Is The Best Time Of Day To Start A Trip?

    I realized the lenses twisted, giving the images depth, or changing it altogether. It was pretty wild!
  20. NP88

    What Is The Best Time Of Day To Start A Trip?

    I almost got lost in the woods at sunset while on some acid. It was a bit scary. The day trip was amazing. Although green lasers are useless during the day time.