holy fuck u pay alot for a KWH ...10 cents what a joke!!!!
and all depends on what bulb u have. if the guy wants 400w thats his choice.......Fuck i have 3 400w in a 3ft x 7ft............gives me 6600 lumens per sq ft............It all depends on your fucking setup DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the last time i watered was on the 18th ,here real soon i will water again!!!,i read my plants, they tell me when they need water, or i go by how heavy the pots are, or just check to soil out.......Its not a over watering problem!! forsure!
ok Help fast, i posted the other day bout my ladies lacking something, well i inspected very well i dont see any bugs so its got to be a PH prob.... what the hell do i do its spreading like a motherfucher help fast!!!
thanks for following my journal!!!and thats the 3rd time Ive heard about i should do these rooms for a living.......My mom is the first one to say that !!!!and like i told Jig, my PH is @ 6.5 so im not sure!!!and i thought Bugs too !!! but my room is pretty sealed, if their is bugs they came...