i believe people do ship lsd to each other...
However, heat can destroy it. SO who would want to risk destroying some good old acid.
And this is way off topic.
Yah i also saw the 2c-b-fly warning on shroomery
that sthe link
Haha sorry chap, i believe the sites 18+. But if you wanna see i believe someone did a thread of the ages using a poll ( a clever way to do it ) but whether people tell the truth no one will ever know... i just turned 21 hehe :peace:
good day lad
Dont talk about a companies stealth methods man. THink about it, someone elses package may not come because your chatting about you recieving the item they are looking inside a certain item, so when they see that - bam....just a thought
Pfff i dont know man, who knows??? I recently got done for possesion and so im not growing at the moment want to keep it cool for a while you know. If i get caught with any miniscule amount of cannabis or anything im gonna have to go to court and its some fucking massive palava. its so fucking...
But you can grow your own " medical " cannabis. Its so unfortunate, here in the UK there is nothing like that! nothing one bit! its class B aswell and they are strict. Its turned in a bad direction at the mo for cannabis, just when things looked like they were going good ( class c and...
i always smoke joints with tabbaco, too exspensive to go striaght a puree is what we call em in london and id say majority of people smoke mixed joints. Purees are nice from time to time but finances and ease of use ( weed here isint that great and i cant grow at the mo ) say that the tabbaco...