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  1. monkeyinthemist

    querkle , sour cream,super skunk, cn-320 grow

    im still around i just very low key due to the nature of this thing we do. everything is going well i will post again just not looking to draw any undo attention at the moment.
  2. monkeyinthemist

    Aeroponic Power Cloner Plz Help

    i use tap water as well and have had about 90% success i keep rez temps no higher than 75 and ph at about 6.5. hope you fix your problem. happy growing
  3. monkeyinthemist

    Hempy bucket +Hydrotron

    order it on line or make the drive it will be worth it .
  4. monkeyinthemist

    Will this grow closet work? Need help!

    the smell is going to be your biggest problem as far as detection goes . the exhaust fan in the ceiling should be enough to keep temps down .
  5. monkeyinthemist

    querkle , sour cream,super skunk, cn-320 grow

    sorry i havent had time to update lately but just alittle busy right now. everything is going good so far just ordered a 25 site aero cloner should be here soon then the real work begins. i wont be updating till around dec 1. happy thanksgiving everyone.......................
  6. monkeyinthemist

    Tga querkle and serious ak47

    i have four querkle going right now and they are the slowest growing in my garden ,but the bush out nicely as far as yield goes havent gotten there yet still waiting to pick a mom.
  7. monkeyinthemist

    Can i take clones off a 3 day flowering plant?

    you can clone them ut the success will be lower and it will take more time for them to get going agian.
  8. monkeyinthemist

    querkle growers thread (show off your querks)

    i got mine from the attitude tga subcool .
  9. monkeyinthemist

    querkle , sour cream,super skunk, cn-320 grow

    the querkle , sour cream , and super skunk have been transplanted into one gal pots and placed under a 400w hps in 2 weeks they will be set to 12/12 to force flower then the fun begins.
  10. monkeyinthemist

    look at my plant. its a monster cfl grow.......

    looks good how many cfl's are you using.
  11. monkeyinthemist

    Guess my yeild win $10 via paypal!

    4.44 pounds which if my math is correc thats 198.12 grams per plant that would be amazing . if you can pull that off ill give you 10$ dont get to excited thats in american currency.
  12. monkeyinthemist

    Nirvana AK-48 600 Watt Ebb & Flow

    wow your plants look good . the last time i cloned i used peat cubes and 1 out of 6 rooted hope you have better luck than i did. on an unrelated subject what type of tent are you using and what are the demensions. thanx
  13. monkeyinthemist

    Moving !! indoor grow must become outdoor

    you have the right idea you just have to give it alittle direct sun and see if the leaves droop then put it in the shade it should adjust in a few days. good luck
  14. monkeyinthemist

    querkle , sour cream,super skunk, cn-320 grow

    floranova grow @ 30ml per gal. humic acid @ 5ml per gal b-1 (sup) @ 5ml per gal 40ml liquid seaweed @ 30 ml pergal in a week or so im going to up the nova to 40 mil per gal.
  15. monkeyinthemist

    querkle , sour cream,super skunk, cn-320 grow

    the querkle is still grow like a snail and the ss is growing fast they all go under the 400w on thursday:-P i also stepped the nutes up alittle .
  16. monkeyinthemist

    querkle , sour cream,super skunk, cn-320 grow

    the sour cream i stuck outside to make room . i didnt think the super skunk was going to get 12 inches wide so fast. it was also a freebie.
  17. monkeyinthemist

    Shortest and fastest flowering indica?

    top 44 . it useually finishes in 7 weeks