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  1. growwwww

    How much of this Salvia should i smoke?

    yea coming down is much funner, fat body buzz and shit its an okay substance meh
  2. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Essex aye, not too far from me....hehe i joke have a good one mate!! happy herb everyone
  3. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    tip top jam your words about cameron, he is not what we need right now. arghh Uk politics is completely fucked, most government are anyway. Political Systems arent structured in a way to help brothers out :( Anyay tip top toker - gave a fucking tip top point about finding cuttings. If u know...
  4. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ive been cautioned for a loitering before in central london. If you are standing around for too long in certain zones the police have there eyes on you and start asking you questions and shit and tell you to move on, they came up to me and i ignored him for ages listening to my music ( waiting...
  5. growwwww

    some questions that need answers...

    caps dont defintely contain the most psilocybin of the shrooms.... the whole thing is a fruit body and often and in strains like Penis Envy the stems are so fat and are like 75 percent of the weight and also with other shrooms. You better just have an eigth of shrooms man and it will all be good...
  6. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    im in London and there is some DISGUSTING DANK round here its so fuckin crazy its so fucking smelly, strong and sweet. No seeds, no stalks! fuckin well trimmed got this shit off some street dealer and this shit is dank!!! This shit is defintely skunk
  7. growwwww

    Great Day Trip

    Peace man, sounds absolutely fantastic.
  8. growwwww

    Hallucinatory Substance Closing Down Chat!!!

    This is such a prang stoner thread, chill out guys. The mods havent declared this section even being closed down or anything, just a few threads easy lads. Chillllll this is so unneccasary lol
  9. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

  10. growwwww

    Am I permanently fucked?

    It sounds - very truthfully. Like you are stressed. Your mind is stressed, you are thinking about everything - just keeping it busy - maybe keeping it off something important? something that could deeply upset you. Some sort of idea that may trigger true un-happiness or something that will...
  11. growwwww

    Am I permanently fucked?

    Not coming back can be hard, and it is bad. But, you can always climb the mountain and reach the summit. May take you longer, it may be harder but it is always possible. Does not matter how mad you become, there is always a point in everyone where there is sanity. We can always find the keys to...
  12. growwwww

    Am I permanently fucked?

    yah man, and as they say " lols " at this guys usernam its permafucked! ha
  13. growwwww

    Am I permanently fucked?

    Everyones different, weed can defintely freak people out and not tire them ( which is majority effect ) it can make people so prang and nervous ive seen someone just blackout from smoking cannabis. Saying that obviously alot rarer than alchohol and other hard drugs - as its effects are generally...
  14. growwwww

    Hallucinatory Substance Closing Down Chat!!!

    Im not American, but im pretty sure the site is owned or whatever in arizona... If you check Domain information it comes up in arizona ( i dont know the stattus of weed in that state, like i said im british ) And yeah, what about closing down the UK growing section...its illegal here....
  15. growwwww

    Am I permanently fucked?

    Debateable...and yes people can black out from weed ive seen it happen people just freak and be so uncomfortable and blackout.
  16. growwwww

    Am I permanently fucked?

    Meh just chill out, keep your head about you. Ive had pretty intricate and complex experiencs just on marijauna after detoxing for many months and after havig no sleep - similar to this. My advice, dont worry about it, dont be afraid. You were high, you experienced a bad high. It could have...
  17. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Last night i brought a tramp a sandwhich, and he said that he gets the cheese alot and if i ever see him around again and hes smoking to join him and he will give me some :) This guy was the biggest joker, he also told me if i everneed train ticket he will get me one for free. :)
  18. growwwww

    Got spore prints?

    Smaller 1/4 pint or something and liquid culture within a week you will get full colinizatioon. basically there are so many variables - nothing is set - nothing is solid. Just do what you can and you get what you get ya know, so what if it takes a 2 week sor 3 weeks.
  19. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i FEEL YOU MAN, I started growing but had to stop otherwise a plumber would have found out, its horrible when you have tried and tasted and done the growing process then have to stop and use the shit on the streets ( actually its not that bad ) but not as nice. Peace