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  1. Crypnotic

    Warning: Nirvana has pulled all AF of the shelf!!!!!!!!!

    You have to put them in 12/12 or they wont flower. I would suggest to anyone, if you have this strain and want to see it to the end, put them in 12/12 from the start and get it over with asap. Best I can give anyone growing these.
  2. Crypnotic

    Northern Lights Autoflower! (Pics)

    In post #5 you say the plants are two weeks old. Here you said they were a week. Big difference, thats twice the grow time and prob three times the size in the time period. Why did you post pics of four week old plants, then post more pics saying this "overnight" trying to give the impression...
  3. Crypnotic

    My First Grow: Journal

    Thats cool man. Good luck.
  4. Crypnotic

    Monkey's 2nd go - Nirvana's "Northern Light" - Autoflowering & Feminized - 400w HPS

    You're right, my bad. I sincerly apologize. Subbed, cant wait to see how this turns out. I'm sure this will be every bit as good as you AK grow (which I thought was very good). Happy growing my friend.
  5. Crypnotic

    Monkey's 2nd go - Nirvana's "Northern Light" - Autoflowering & Feminized - 400w HPS

    Whats up Monkey. Thought I would stop in to drop some info. The Nirvana AF seeds have been pulled from the shelf and they are not selling them anymore. Most the the AF seeds a brand new, and they are not working as AF. They grow huge, I have an eight weeks plant thats three feet tall and...
  6. Crypnotic

    Question on flowering plus rep for acurate answers

    Dude, get off the drugs and saunce for a couple of days. I read what you posted and I'm not sure what you said. I usually go back and read a post as many time as I need to infer what the posters meaning maybe, but you wear me out. Not in the mood. If you cant put a couple of clear sentences...
  7. Crypnotic

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Nice post. To be honest, an HID setup should be at least three times hotter than a cfl setup. Hard to argue with you b/c you have used both and speak from experience. I use three 105 watt cfls and they raise the grow room temp about four degrees without vent. I posted for ppl witht he same...
  8. Crypnotic

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    LMFAO. Dont take offense, but your cat looks a little slow lol. Must be his bad eye that give him that appearance. I say give the poor guy a break lol. Not sure if it will work, but maybe spray your plants with neem. Cats dont like certain smells and that stuff has a strong citrus smell to...
  9. Crypnotic

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    Looking good. Cant wait to see the final product.
  10. Crypnotic

    Nirvana's Northern Light Feminized + Autoflower Grow

    Well, if you turn on 12/12 now, you NL Af and lowryders will finish at the same time. I will be growing the White Widow and AK 48 for next grow. Definitly would like someone else to grow it too so we can compare notes and troubleshoot the grow.
  11. Crypnotic

    My First Grow: Journal

    What are you growing bro? if its Nir. AF, they will out grow 10" pots. Thats what I just trans. out of. Best to put them in five gallon pots when you get chance. Peace.
  12. Crypnotic

    Autoflowers not flowering

    Everyones right Rug, put them in 12/12 and start treating these as if they are not AF. Good luck.
  13. Crypnotic

    My First Grow: Journal

    Thanks man. I was a little suprised they got going so quick, but then again this was an easy transplant. I just pulled it out of one pot and put it in another. Wasnt anything like the last one where I shook all the soil out then tried to put it in a new pot. That type of transplant is a...
  14. Crypnotic

    First grow first journal. Northern lights feminized seeds from Nirvana lots of pics!

    Blackstrap has a good amount of Mag and Calc. in it. Not sure if your using that. Whatever you do, I'm sure the plants will be fine.
  15. Crypnotic

    My First Grow: Journal

    The new seeds will get here in about week or so. I think I will see these AF to end first then start my new grow. Those NL have worked out well for you, I say keep a mother or clones going and do another round of NL after the bubbas. Peace.
  16. Crypnotic

    Nirvana's Northern Light Feminized + Autoflower Grow

    Put your AF in 12/12 as soon as you think its big enough. Dont wait even if you see preflowers or hairs. Just remember I tried to warn you. Peace.
  17. Crypnotic

    Warning: Nirvana has pulled all AF of the shelf!!!!!!!!!

    The post above is bullshit. First, these plants grow HUGE. They never mention that. Second, they have grown fucked up since the start. Thats a fucking lie. Third, DONT BUY THE SHORT RIDER. It is still for sale, but at least three ppl have posted here that the short is not working either...
  18. Crypnotic

    Warning: Nirvana has pulled all AF of the shelf!!!!!!!!!

    Did you use 12/12 to get them to flower? How big are they? How big will they get? Did you save any time by waiting five weeks to flower? Think you will get 1/8 the yield like everyone else? Right now I'd say your a dude with monster size plants, that didnt save anytime, that will yield about...
  19. Crypnotic

    My First Grow: Journal

    Yea, I'm using some blankets to get it under control. I transplanted them into some seven gallon buckets lol. those fuckers got all the room they need now lol.
  20. Crypnotic

    My First Grow: Journal

    Good new, plants are now budding! I already see some new growth forming and some pistols and white hairs. I'm sure the root lock was holding them back. Suprised the plants are taking off just 12 hrs after the transplant. I'm sure the 12/12 was needed as well. Worked on the light leak today...