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  1. Weedoozie


    Oh yes, one more piece of advice, I recommend planting or putting your cannabis plants in separate spots, each in their own secluded location. This way, you have more of a probability of reaching maturity and buds on at least 1 This also helps keep things stealthy
  2. Weedoozie

    male or hemaphrodite

    What are you talking about? What I mean is using organic matter (like dead cannabis plants) as it does so many wonderful things for a garden, it’s just silly not to take advantage of it. There would be no organic gardening without organic matter. Decaying organic matter is how plants are...
  3. Weedoozie


    Yea, that's pretty bitchtastic...any chance it was your neighbor?
  4. Weedoozie

    Helicopter spying on me

    lol same question
  5. Weedoozie

    My Outdoor Medicine :) 5 strains

    They are going to be FATTY! How far into flowering is this anyway?
  6. Weedoozie

    Are my buds forming?

    Do some research, every strain is different though
  7. Weedoozie


    I'm glad you grow organic, and it's not a matter of flushing out the nutrients in the soil, its a matter of raining on the plant more often to make it believe the seasons are changing I realize the THC content is found in the genetics but certain practices can bring out the full THC potential...
  8. Weedoozie

    What women want...

    LOL thats a pretty good list
  9. Weedoozie

    My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010

    AWESOME!! puts my greenhouse to shame :)
  10. Weedoozie

    how do i delete a post?

    Lol nice to see you again Still looks 100% good!
  11. Weedoozie

    Soliciting Ideas For A Automated Watering Outdoor Grow.

    Sounds good but I haven't done anything like that personally
  12. Weedoozie


    oooo bubbleberry sounds delicious!
  13. Weedoozie

    **Growing Outdoors LATE in the Season HELP!?

    You may want to consider indoor growing or at least greenhouse's pretty late in the season :(
  14. Weedoozie

    How do you rate these colas

    Nice dude, they're looking lovely:weed:
  15. Weedoozie

    Helicopter spying on me

    Once again, fdd2blk is right. I have my medical card because I have insomnia. The pills my doctor prescribed before recommending MMJ were awful for me, I had bad reactions to all of them. Cannabis really helps me. It also relieves menstrual cramps!
  16. Weedoozie

    How do i breed strains?

    You could grow males from seed of a strain you like and think would go well with your female strain...extract a pollen sac just before it bursts, that should contain enough pollen to pollinate a female Cannabis plant to produce seeds
  17. Weedoozie


    This. Damn man, that sucks ass :( I recommend planting in blackberry patches in the future as they are deterrents for people or wildlife that may want to eat/mess with your plants. You can dig a tunnel into a thick patch of blackberries and put your plants there or plant them there. I haven't...
  18. Weedoozie

    Looking To Move Out West

    Move to Nor Cal! Best place for growers :)
  19. Weedoozie

    someone teach me to roll a cigar with fan leaves!!!

    Oh damn, that looks like its worth all the work:weed:
  20. Weedoozie

    I think i may have overwatered.

    Nice, though you can always mist your plants I recommend investing in a fine mist sprayer, you can use it to spray your babies with water or even for foliar feeding :)