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  1. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's Nor Cal Greenhouse (ADVICE WELCOME)

    Thanks man! Yes, supercropping is something to get used to...kind of like poppin cherry but after you do it a bunch, it turns out really great and as long as you don't have pests sucking the life out of you're supercropped areas, it should make your plant grow stronger and thicker stems to...
  2. Weedoozie

    tieing down your plant?

    2-3 zips?? NAW DUDE, that baby's growing outdoors in what looks like some beautiful sunlight! And if she's 3x3x3 with 25 colas, then shit! She'll probably yield a QP or more, ideally :)
  3. Weedoozie

    Hermaphrodite plant?

    I guess what you mean by this is that a true hermaphrodite plant will grow pollen sacs and female hairs at the same time where as some strains will be stressed into growing a few sacs here and there late into flowering...but what do we call those then?
  4. Weedoozie fucking sucks

    Spain is legit! I loved spending time there :) I was there for new years 2009 and it was amazing! Madrid and Barcelona were crackin' with people setting off their own fireworks lol it was a lot of fun to drunkenly run around there They have some bumpin' discotechs and some bomb hash from Morocco...
  5. Weedoozie

    Help me decide what to do with my F***ed up plant.

    I think she'll either grow through the trauma and be stronger for it, or she'll die out there. Maybe plant her in the middle of a blackberry patch or somewhere the wildlife will have a hard time getting to taste her sweet, tangy leaves Either way, you have other plants :)
  6. Weedoozie

    tieing down your plant?

    I think you can LST up to the middle of flowering, after that, the female plants more focused on bud production rather than growing taller
  7. Weedoozie

    Male or female or hermie?

    Make sure there aren't any light leaks! That will greatly affect your plants decision of choosing sex
  8. Weedoozie

    This plant look like it would yield one pound, am i right?

    Lol, it's hard to tell how much yield someone will get from a grow we are not looking at in person. It's hard to tell even then as there are many things to consider that will affect the outcome of your plants such as density, strain, health of plants, age of plants, kind and amount of lights/sun...
  9. Weedoozie

    First grow...impressions?

    Yea dude, it's the way to go! I got 1.8 zips off of a 2 foot tall plant I grew indoors with CFL's and mylar for my first grow because of LST I think! Here's some pictures of my current grow with major LST :) See picture names for descriptions
  10. Weedoozie

    Magnesium & Epsom salt

    Good information! Epsom salt has worked very well for me in my grows :)
  11. Weedoozie

    Are these the right size for 20 day??

    I agree, they look like heavy indicas as indicas have fatter leaves and tend to be short. Looks lovely other than what was already mentioned about the second pic! What is that btw? Can we get a closer picture?
  12. Weedoozie fucking sucks

    Lame peoples who go on threads and waste everyone's time with useless ramblings and insulting/obscene language
  13. Weedoozie fucking sucks

    The big'un is Big Blue and the smaller ones surrounding it are GDP's and the one deformed one with the pics of budsites are of my sativa dominant indica hybrid bagseed clone from my 1st grow :)
  14. Weedoozie fucking sucks

    True, and many under-aged fools
  15. Weedoozie fucking sucks

    Lol to the shot of yourself in there! Great lookin' plants, happy and healthy if not a little stretching but if you have room for it, let em :) Here's some of my current grow:
  16. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's Nor Cal Greenhouse (ADVICE WELCOME)

    Thank you! I'll probably be updating every day now :) Yup! Lookin' like they love us!:weed:
  17. Weedoozie fucking sucks

    Lol I don't think we should bash anything but yes, posting pics here is easier than most places so...where are your pics??
  18. Weedoozie

    tieing down your plant?

    LSTing is the way to go, I'm doing it right now :)
  19. Weedoozie

    Male or female or hermie?

    Agreed, macro is the word to look for
  20. Weedoozie

    whats the sex of this plant?

    Yup :roll:bongsmilie