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  1. Weedoozie

    If the November bill gets passed, what does that mean for us growers?

    Thank you! I was afraid I may have typed too much for the average RIU person so I'm very happy someone read it :) Yes, I agree that if more people knew the constitution from being taught in school, our country would be better off. IMO, reform is necessary in this case.
  2. Weedoozie

    Watering with cold coffee

    What kind of plant was it? Hey PotPimp, I've known organic growers who make an iced coffee/bat guano mix to use on their flowering plants and I must say, their flowers are the most delicious and beautiful buds I've ever experienced.
  3. Weedoozie

    Someone just gave me their plant! WITH LITTLE INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO CARE AFTER IT!!!

    If you want to do this right, you're going to have to do a LOT of reading. Start searching online and on this site's forums. There are many FAQ threads with loads of helpful info. What kind of lights, though?
  4. Weedoozie

    what to put on ur weed that will simply make it taste really good

    Oh dude I totally thought you were talking about an already harvested and dried crop of bad tasting pot, my bad. If you want specific flavors, you will have to get specific genetics. The general consensus is that, with soil, organically grown cannabis tastes better and molasses really helps in...
  5. Weedoozie

    The Daily Bud

    Agreed! I can always count on seeing some DANK here :)
  6. Weedoozie

    If the November bill gets passed, what does that mean for us growers?

    Excuse me, but I found a few problems with your logic here. 1. People who have smoked "good" weed are not going to smoke shwag intentionally. 2. Though your "cigaweed" idea is a likely scenario, good quality cannabis is always going to be sought after by all stoners, smokers, and tokers...
  7. Weedoozie

    what to put on ur weed that will simply make it taste really good

    I know they have sour apple flavor...I've seen them on display in many head shops...
  8. Weedoozie

    what to put on ur weed that will simply make it taste really good

    There are tobacco flavoring products that people use on cannabis flowers but they are artificial and more often than not, too strong. They can make your good bud taste fake...
  9. Weedoozie

    Stupid growing q&a thread

    Lol yes, I saw my opportunity and I took it though, no one knows?
  10. Weedoozie

    Stupid growing q&a thread

    Yea man! I went through my house back a few years ago and replaced all the incandecents with CFL's and I've been saving $100 a month since then just from that change alone!
  11. Weedoozie

    Stupid growing q&a thread

    Why does anyone use an incandecent bulb anymore? The only reason I can think is because someone may have bought them in bulk and are still working on using them all before buying any new bulbs...but it's still a bigger waste of electricity and money...
  12. Weedoozie

    1st time seeing please. Have pics

    Looks like a P deficiency to me
  13. Weedoozie

    Stupid growing q&a thread

    So after watching How High, I wondered, will adding human ashes to a soil grow and growing a cannabis plant from it cause any out of the ordinary effects when the flowers are ingested? I've been wondering this for a while and I've only found joking conversations about it. I'd like to know what...
  14. Weedoozie

    I plan to harvest early next week, is this correct? [close up pix inside]

    Wow, those plants are beatiful! Great job Sr.!
  15. Weedoozie

    What to do with 2 ounces of roaches ?

    Isn't the roach the point of the J or Blunt that has the most THC concentration after smoking? If this is true then don't throw the roaches away! I use my roaches to make hash or as stopper-buds for my bowls and they get me high as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
  16. Weedoozie

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    Thanks Big! Yeah, I was wondering why the hairs do that but I guess it's because of my gentle care with bud handling? I don't know, maybe its just the bagseed's strain...
  17. Weedoozie

    Strange leaves growing from a killer plant

    I'm in the bay area as well and one of my plants is reveggin until I think around the middle/end of August when flowering begins and they start flowering again. Harvest time depends on the strain, but usually in our area, its around mid October-December. I can't tell you much about why your...
  18. Weedoozie

    Pablo's Socal Balcony Grow

    Oh, I just capture a few on the hillside by my house but if you don't have access to wild ladybugs then purchasing them isn't too expensive I do know that if there is food for the ladybugs to eat, they'll stay put until there's nothing else they can feast on. Also, there is a strategy to...
  19. Weedoozie

    Pablo's Socal Balcony Grow

    Have you tried ladybugs Pablo? They work wonders on aphids :)
  20. Weedoozie

    Am I done flowering already!!!!

    In my experience, the bud forms in phases. As in, the white hairs are indicators of future buds, once the buds form, the hairs turn orange/red/brown but then new white hairs emerge and the process continues for 6-10 weeks