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  1. Mazar i Shariff

    How many weeks left.?(PICS)

    No problem! They look great tho, keep it up, and def keep posting pic updates so we can all see them finish! One Love!
  2. Mazar i Shariff

    Leaves curling.

    Sweet, def keep us up on the pics! I'll subscribe to this thread now
  3. Mazar i Shariff

    Odor Control??

    That's very good to know. I'm going to check on my state law for that. I'm legal, but I would hate to have a setup like that on a property in the future where if the cop was just coming by to do my annual medical inspection, who knows if it could be a dick cop that would be like hey, he's not...
  4. Mazar i Shariff

    just fed for the first time

    Ya those hydro guys are quite the salesman. They will push those products on ya HARD! Just gotta learn to read the labels, as you can call them on their shit sometimes. There's plenty of products out there for less that have the same forumlas and sometimes even more strength to mix more gallons...
  5. Mazar i Shariff

    Leaves curling.

    Awesome ... Good luck with the epsoms, and don't forget about the am/pm waterings & spraying down the plant completely to cool & keep hydrated! LA can get pretty damn hot, so you want to make sure your soil is never drying out.
  6. Mazar i Shariff

    Picking Psychedelic Mushrooms

    As much as I love this site, I have had quite a bit of experience with mushrooms, and I would say SHROOMERY.ORG is your best bet at answering all of your questions and helping you identify all sorts of mushrooms. It's the RollItUp of mushrooms, and that forum has some really good stuff. As for...
  7. Mazar i Shariff

    How many weeks left.?(PICS)

    Some of those shots made it look like you can easily go another 3-5 weeks. The larger girl could go another 2-3 weeks and be cut down if you're starting to get impatient, however, your patience will be rewarded in the end if you sit tight and allow them to run their course! =) Consider giving...
  8. Mazar i Shariff

    Leaves curling.

    Couple things it could be... It could be Heat Stress, as RockstarEnergy posted above. This will happen when the plant is in a warmer than usual enviornment and is going thru higher levels of respiration and trying to cool itself. Fall is about here, so if it's heat, you should be in the clear...
  9. Mazar i Shariff

    Odor Control??

    Charcoal Carbon filters, Hepa Air Filters, Negative Ion & Ozone Generators (although these last two can reduce gas exchange in the leaves when ran too much, prob best to use carbon filter and/or hepa) Using a high flow Vortex inline fan thru a carbon filter so that you can scrub a high volume...
  10. Mazar i Shariff

    just fed for the first time

    Nice bro Good feeling to know you're learning how your babies feed and what they truely need/want, huh? Just remember, never get too comfortable with nutes. There's ALWAYS something more you can learn. *I think you are missing a carbohydrate solution in the mix. Consider Molasses as a...
  11. Mazar i Shariff

    Opinion on when you think my plants will be ready

    Haha, ya I was cracking up about the '7 weeks 7 days' thing. I was pretty sure you meant week 7 or 8 tho so it's all good. Yes, Alaska liquid emulsion products do smell & look like shit in a bottle. It's amazing stuff tho. Price per liter, and overall use & effectivness, I'd have to say this...
  12. Mazar i Shariff

    Opinion on when you think my plants will be ready

    You're joking, right? That's nowhere NEAR what he should be achieving for an outdoor yield. Trust me. I grow outdoor, and where he's at, I'm currently at in week 3. He has much much more weight to pack on, and the buds don't look nearly as frosted as they could be...
  13. Mazar i Shariff

    covering flowering plants at night?

    There's never a guarantee that nearby lights will make your plants herm out on you, but it's always a risk. Even if it doesn't cause that, if it's strong enough light it can revert the plants back into vegetative state in NO TIME. So literally, one night of intrusive light or more than normal...
  14. Mazar i Shariff

    Best Out Door Strain?

    I'm sure you'll love it! My StarTrek is only about 50% or so Trainwreck, but the flowers look very similar to pics of the orignal wreck (haven't grown that one before, either). I will say, this hybrid right now is giving off an amazing grapefruit-like odor and I think will by far be one of my...
  15. Mazar i Shariff

    question about the late finishers.. just showed pre flowers

    What's that? Did someone say +rep? haha =) One love
  16. Mazar i Shariff

    question about the late finishers.. just showed pre flowers

    Seriously! I can't wait to try the results from my first greenhouse experience. Unfort it's a long wait, but fortunetely I have 3 strains so I will have a staggered harvest. Starting with White Widow (approx 20% and could very well be my most potent strain, we'll see), a week or so later will be...
  17. Mazar i Shariff

    Opinion on when you think my plants will be ready

    For sure ... I love Alaska's Organic line. I have only been able to find one of their products at my local store thus far and haven't bothered looking to order others online, but their liquid fish emulsion has been my favorite source of nitrogen all year ever since I discovered it. It's rated @...
  18. Mazar i Shariff

    Soil fungi

    Once again, thanks!
  19. Mazar i Shariff

    Need a home made organic insecticide spray recipe

    I have used an organic dishsoap (good cuz it's non chemical like the other dishsoaps) and used a few drops in a little spray bottle and that drowned certain insects. But that was back in the day and I personally prefer not to spray stuff like that on my girls at anytime. If you're willing to...