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  1. Crypnotic

    Major issue please help.. ++REP

    Well, I have to say that I think your problem is two fold. First, its no mites. Second, it over fert, and you know what to do from here on out. Third, you use some shady/crappy pots for your seedlings. I can tell by the debris/crap on the side of your planter/cereal/two-litter bowls that you...
  2. Crypnotic

    I Found a feild of WILD Weed Is it Male or Female HELP!!

    Dude, what are you 16? Did your grandad or uncle dare you pick it? If a family member dared you to pick it, then they know its hemp. They are baiting you into a headache. Whatever you do, dont pick it and smoke it. If your that curious about it, get an isomizer, research how to do it right...
  3. Crypnotic

    DEA has been monitoring Home Depots to bust growers since at least 2007

    Has anyone ever shopped on Amazon or Google? It amazing how many growers buy stuff. Type any product that you might use in your grow room, then look at the bottom of "what others purchased with this item". You will be shocked to see all the "other" items you too use in your grow room. It...
  4. Crypnotic

    Major issue please help.. ++REP

    Whats up with your soil? The perilte looks brown and rusty. Iron toxicidy can cause "rust spots" too. What made your soil look like that?
  5. Crypnotic

    I Found a feild of WILD Weed Is it Male or Female HELP!!

    Where do you live ipod? In the midwest? If so, wild hemp grows in alot places. I've got my money that those plants are hemp plants, grow wild, and wont get you stoned. You could get an old fashion Isomizer and see if you cant get all that CBD turned into THC. As it is, prob wont be able to...
  6. Crypnotic

    My First Grow: Journal

    Got my hydro pH up and down today with drop pH tester. Tested my water first thing and that shit comes out of the tap around 8.0 . . . I live in FL so the bedrock is made of limestone, so go figure it would be high. Even with the flower nute added, the water still test high near 8.0 . . . I...
  7. Crypnotic

    First grow first journal. Northern lights feminized seeds from Nirvana lots of pics!

    I see. Not a bad idea. Hope it goes well for you. Let me know how it turns out, I'm interested to see how well it works. Later bro.
  8. Crypnotic

    my first grow which is almost done....

    Your plants look over watered big time. How often do you water?
  9. Crypnotic

    super lemon haze and multi-kush grow

    What plant did you like better, the WW or the AK? In potency that is?
  10. Crypnotic

    super lemon haze and multi-kush grow

    Thats interesting b/c I've heard differnt stories. WW is described as a harsh smoke by some, and yet others say it has a fruity smoke. Bag appeal is good with all the chystals but not much color other than white ass thc lol! Ak-47 is straight stank weed, acid smoke (bad taste) with little to...
  11. Crypnotic

    super lemon haze and multi-kush grow

    Thats my plan too. I will grow white widow next then ak-47. If I like both then maybe the white russian. I'm the kinda guy that is all about potency and does not care too much about flavor or bag appeal. I just want to get fucked up lol.
  12. Crypnotic

    super lemon haze and multi-kush grow

    Ok now I'm on board lol. Nice description, and I understand perfectly. Let me know how the white russian goes. I'm very interested in that strain. I would love to start breeding myself but I just dont have the room for it. Good luck bro.
  13. Crypnotic

    my first grow which is almost done....

    Hey bro. Just stopped in to check out the grow. I'm growing the NL AF right now. I would not recommend them. They take anywhere from 5 to 6 weeks to veg, take 9 weeks to flower, they will be just as big as a normal NL, and will prob. yeild half as much as the normal NL. So just to recap...
  14. Crypnotic

    super lemon haze and multi-kush grow

    WBW, you confuse the shit out of me lol. I'm subed to ur thread but almost everyday seems like your starting new seeds lol. Help a brotha out, give a head count of what your growing with times. I'm just confused (its easy cus I'm stoned most of the time). Thanks.
  15. Crypnotic

    How has MJ survived for thousands of years, WITHOUT OUR HELP???

    whens the last time you saw a wild cannabis plant growing while floating in the middle of a stream. Hydro = 100% man intervention
  16. Crypnotic

    FUNGAFLOR TR fogger Killed the shit outta everything

    Terrible break man. Feel sorry for you. Those hydo shops can be a dangerous money pit. They will sell anything to grower, even if kills or make no difference to your plants. If it makes him money, he will sell it.
  17. Crypnotic

    First grow first journal. Northern lights feminized seeds from Nirvana lots of pics!

    Hey Howard. I've done some research on root bound. It isn't a uncureable problem. Root pruning in gardening is a very common practice. If your bubbas are root bound, simply take them out of the pot, and cut off half or a third of the root ball. Ruff up the rootball a bit, rub some soil on...
  18. Crypnotic

    Make your own Absinthe!

    Absinthe taste like other "Anise" flavored drinks like Ouzo (greek spirit) and to some extend Samboca. They taste kinda like liqourice flavore, get cloudy if mixed in ice. Very thick syrupy kinda drink. Absinthe is more bitter with the wormwood in it. I wont go putting sugar in the glasss, as...
  19. Crypnotic

    My First Grow: Journal

    For veg is was running 20/4. For flower I'm running 18/6. In about a month I'll run it 16/8. For the last two weeks I will run 12/12.
  20. Crypnotic

    First grow first journal. Northern lights feminized seeds from Nirvana lots of pics!

    Wow, those colas are looking real good. Tall and fat. In about four weeks you should have some real dense cola buds to show off. I like that humidty doom. Those ducts have so many application lol. Many ppl make reflectors out of them. Clones look good too. I think I can see some new...