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  1. Ahzweepay

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Here's a couple shots of my current grow - 4 different strains of bag seed...
  2. Ahzweepay

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    What strain are those lovely purple leaved plants? Man, your plants are looking tasty :weed:
  3. Ahzweepay

    Is it Possible to Start Seeds in an Aero Cloner?

    Since you don't cover the shell of the seed with hydroton do you put the system in the dark until the plants get going? Seems that if the seed isn't covered that it'd get too much light?
  4. Ahzweepay

    Is it Possible to Start Seeds in an Aero Cloner?

    I'm guessing that you don't use H2O2 in your system then?
  5. Ahzweepay

    Is it Possible to Start Seeds in an Aero Cloner?

    I've had issues with rockwool in the past and am looking for a way around using it. The reason to start using the cloner is to completely rid the system of grow media other than hydroton. I'd like to start the seeds in the cloner and put them directly into pots of hydroton once they have nice...
  6. Ahzweepay

    Is it Possible to Start Seeds in an Aero Cloner?

    Wondering if anyone has tried to start seeds using an aero cloner - no dirt/perlite/rockwool used. My thoughts are... 1. Start the seeds in a paper towel 2. Once the seeds crack & have the little white tap root showing gently place them low in a neoprene disk & in the cloner 3. Fill...
  7. Ahzweepay

    Journal of my attempt at the "Mr Green" hydro setup (with influence from Al B Fuct)

    Yep, I'm still alive and kickin' :bigjoint: I figured since my first grow was done that I'd wrap this thread up, for the most part anyway. I'm working on a second flower room (tent build) and plan to do another journal once I get that up and running. Should be in another couple of weeks...
  8. Ahzweepay

    Journal of my attempt at the "Mr Green" hydro setup (with influence from Al B Fuct)

    As requested by waverider attached is my nute schedule - I make no claims that it's 100% correct/accurate, but seems to be doing the job... :bigjoint:
  9. Ahzweepay

    Oh the injustice of it

    I'm smokin it cuz it's that or nothing - it does get ya high, but not too much :( Unfortunately the whole transaction was a rush (supplier had other guests on the way), so I didn't get to look the goods over at all. When I got home I found I had spent $300 on 3 bags of total shit. I can...
  10. Ahzweepay

    Oh the injustice of it

    Definitely not moldy leaves - they are soft, but dry - not sticky at all (I think the pictures may make them look that way due to the flash). Looks to me like a bag of trimmed fan leaves with a couple of accidental buds in it - LAME! The extra-sucky part is that I've been kinda-sorta...
  11. Ahzweepay

    Oh the injustice of it

    "I'm so pissed off right now" - Cartman Check out these pictures of a quarter oz I bought today and tell me I didn't get totally screwed. WTF?!?! :fire: ...this is exactly the reason I started to grow for myself. I've been getting weed from the same person for like 10yrs. Used to be...
  12. Ahzweepay

    Flower Tent Build

    Finished attaching the panda plastic and added the door today. Installed an intake vent for the reflector fan, and also got the main tent exhaust pipe setup and dumping outside the tent & outside the room the tent is in. Looks like another trip to Mendards is coming - the chain I got for...
  13. Ahzweepay

    Tiny brown (rusty) spots- should I be worried?

    No problem - glad I could help out :blsmoke: Once I figured it out and added CalMag the problem went away. The leaves that were damaged didn't repair themselves, but the spots stopped and I haven't seen them since.
  14. Ahzweepay

    Tiny brown (rusty) spots- should I be worried?

    Looks to me like you might have a calcium deficiency. Take a look at the pictures here... The Calcium deficiency images are about 1/4 the way down the page. I had a similar issue previously. I was able to get the water report from my city and...
  15. Ahzweepay

    Normal Nitrogen Deficiency?

    I am aware that plants in mid to late flower should get some yellowing leaves. I just want to make sure what I'm seeing here is that - just the normal yellowing... Let me know what y'all think :peace:
  16. Ahzweepay

    Flower Tent Build

    I started by adding a new run for electricity - tied it in to the circuit that's "grow room only" using a junction box. I nailed the shelves to the side frame pieces (pictured). A low shelf for the tub and the upper shelf as the roof. As it stood the structure was a bit wobbly, but didn't...
  17. Ahzweepay

    Flower Tent Build

    I was going to start with a metal shelving unit for the frame, but when I was at Menards I found a they had sudo do-it-yourself shelving. I ended up getting 2 sides measuring 27"x72" and 2 white shelves (1 for ebb/flow tray and 1 for the roof) that are 24"x48". The overall dimensions of the new...
  18. Ahzweepay

    Flower Tent Build

    Now that I've got my grow going pretty well I figured it would be a good idea to setup a second flower room. As of now I am harvesting about every 8 weeks, by adding the second flower room I should be able to harvest once every 4 weeks. I'm just getting things started now, but will post...
  19. Ahzweepay

    Gypsy's 600 watt Home Made Grow Tent

    Another excellent/informative writeup by Gypsy - thanks!! :hug: I think I looked your thread over pretty well, but didn't seem to find much of a mention of what you did for the air intake in the tent. I'm getting ready to build a "tent" for a second flower room and am stuck on how to get the...
  20. Ahzweepay

    Smoke then drink, or drink then smoke?

    How can this question even exist? You wake and bake, and bake and bake and bake... ...Therefore you ALWAYS smoke before you drink :blsmoke: