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  1. Crypnotic

    Seeking advice on Germination

    First time grower here. I put five Northern Lights on a plate using the paper towel method. I placed the plate in my cupboard. I checked it this morning and the paper towels were dry, only about 18 hrs after I started. I sprayed the towels moist again and placed it back in the cabinet...
  2. Crypnotic

    yellowing leaves

    Could be a combination of both: over nutes and watering. Not sure whats in Miracle Grow, but my guess is alot of nitrogen. Did your plant look fine before going to into the flowering stage? If so, that miracle grow has too much nitrogen. Nitrogen is need most during the veg state, then in the...
  3. Crypnotic

    yellowing leaves

    that looks to be nutrient burn. you need to flush the effected plants w/ water and wash out all the nutrients so the roots can recover and do it quick. your overfeeding them w/ your nutrients. what kind of miracle grow are you using? you need to use different nutes for the growing and...
  4. Crypnotic

    Growing Discreetly.

    It doesnt get any easier than this . . . just built mine today . . . works great and has the whole house smelling better than ever!
  5. Crypnotic

    size of gallon pots

    I'm no expert but I use 10 quart buckets (2 1/2 gallon) and the diameter is 10 inch and the height is 8 inches. I buy them at Ace Hardware. I use a four plant system that takes up a 20x20x72 space. Hope this helps.
  6. Crypnotic

    Greetings from Miami, FL

    Welcome . . . I'm new too . . . Orlando FL . . .
  7. Crypnotic


    I'm new to the site . . . hello everyone. Have a quick question: how can you cure/alliviate a cannabis hangover? I smoke about two bowls a night. In the morning I feel lethargic and mentally slow. The toughest thing is not feeling mentally sharp. My job and my hobbies require me to...